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Topic: Vintage event in Ok.- How it turned out, 1st post-New track-last post Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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October 05, 2008 at 10:28:51 PM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918
This message was edited on November 19, 2008 at 06:14:12 PM by brian26


Ada, Oklahoma -May, 2009

May 2009, actual date to be decided soon, Oklahoma Sports Park in Ada, Ok has agreed to having a Sunday noon-6 stand alone show. The night before they will be having an OCRS Sprint Car event and we will be able to run some laps just to blow the dust off the cars. For now, to get the old time feeling, several cars will be allowed to pit on the infield provided they are pulled in on open trailers. I'm sure there could be a display out front as well if needed. We'll see when we come to that bridge.

I have talked with this guy a few times, have heard nothing but "only good" about him. Also, he used to drive a 6 cylinder modified at Echo Ranch in Ada in the 70s. He knows what a Modified/Super/Jalopy/etc looks like and he wants to see them too. His name is George Welch, and he has been operating OSP for 15 years now.

The next day, after the nearby Church lets out at noon, we will start the 12p-6p Vintage Show. The show will be based on KAR rules. Expect to be able to display and (if you want) run lapping sessions, once again-based on the proven KAR process. It should be a lot of fun. Our presence will be to promote attendance.

OSP is a 4/10 mile track with a nice surface and a low stress atmosphere. Big dreams for OkC aside, "fun" is really what it's all about. I have been to this track and the lighting is very good from what i saw. I found the people to be fans of anything that slings dirt with an open wheel. yep.

We will also be looking into holding a Swap Meet on the grounds as well. To help offset the cost of the show, the swap meet may have to be more than Vintage Race Car parts. --Still, on Sunday, the track is ours!

Special motel rates will be pursued by the promoter around February, and of course any help in that department is appreciated. Nearby RV sites are also available I'm sure(I will be looking into that).

Reducing the financial burden, within reason,for the vintage guys will be kept in mind since there is no purse. All parties wish for this show to flourish and make sense to do again.


Ada is about 70 miles south of OkC and with a lot more scenery.

Any questions, just post or email, or call. ----Actual date to be determined when the OCRS makes that decision.

I appreciate your patience,

Brian Satterwhite

ada-1.jpg picture by brian26_photos_2007

October 06, 2008 at 05:41:58 PM
Joined: 11/29/2006
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Posted By: brian26 on October 05 2008 at 10:28:51 PM


Ada, Oklahoma -May, 2009

May 2009, actual date to be decided soon, Oklahoma Sports Park in Ada, Ok has agreed to having a Sunday noon-6 stand alone show. The night before they will be having an OCRS Sprint Car event and we will be able to run some laps just to blow the dust off the cars. For now, to get the old time feeling, several cars will be allowed to pit on the infield provided they are pulled in on open trailers. I'm sure there could be a display out front as well if needed. We'll see when we come to that bridge.

I have talked with this guy a few times, have heard nothing but "only good" about him. Also, he used to drive a 6 cylinder modified at Echo Ranch in Ada in the 70s. He knows what a Modified/Super/Jalopy/etc looks like and he wants to see them too. His name is George Welch, and he has been operating OSP for 15 years now.

The next day, after the nearby Church lets out at noon, we will start the 12p-6p Vintage Show. The show will be based on KAR rules. Expect to be able to display and (if you want) run lapping sessions, once again-based on the proven KAR process. It should be a lot of fun. Our presence will be to promote attendance.

OSP is a 4/10 mile track with a nice surface and a low stress atmosphere. Big dreams for OkC aside, "fun" is really what it's all about. I have been to this track and the lighting is very good from what i saw. I found the people to be fans of anything that slings dirt with an open wheel. yep.

We will also be looking into holding a Swap Meet on the grounds as well. To help offset the cost of the show, the swap meet may have to be more than Vintage Race Car parts. --Still, on Sunday, the track is ours!

Special motel rates will be pursued by the promoter around February, and of course any help in that department is appreciated. Nearby RV sites are also available I'm sure(I will be looking into that).

Reducing the financial burden, within reason,for the vintage guys will be kept in mind since there is no purse. All parties wish for this show to flourish and make sense to do again.


Ada is about 70 miles south of OkC and with a lot more scenery.

Any questions, just post or email, or call. ----Actual date to be determined when the OCRS makes that decision.

I appreciate your patience,

Brian Satterwhite

ada-1.jpg picture by brian26_photos_2007

When and Where, K.A.R. ran Enid several years ago, I believe Paul Marten set that up. I know several KAR cars would support that. Thanks

October 06, 2008 at 08:30:11 PM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918
This message was edited on October 09, 2008 at 04:48:05 PM by brian26

It's been brought up that there is no vintage event in Oklahoma. Yet last night I counted up 30+ cars that could be moveable in 2 days and running by next year if the rpms were kept around 3500-4000. A few cars from Witchita Falls would probably be interested as I know 3-5 owners down there. This includes tin-bodies 60's and narrow fiberglass cars from the '70s as well. Might as well throw in the Champ cars, supers, and 6 cyl modifieds

from the 80's, been 20 years now and there isn't anything for them.

I am an upright modified man, I did not count, nor do I know how many vintage sprint cars,midgets,Silver Crown, stockers etc there are within 200 miles of OkC. No telling HOW MANY, or what supers/modifieds are still out there. The idea is to bring them out of the woodworks.

I have talked to Lanny and he said he'd "let'em run every once in while". This was at Lawton, there wasn't much time since the Winternationals are going on, so it can be next year. Also there was never a stipulation as to where this thing will be. He stated he has 4-5 classes and time constraints, so planning ahead is the key. Personal experience tells me, the less trouble and the smoother running an out fit we are, The easier it will be to get this thing to grow if it can. In Lannys own sincere words "That was a good class!". I would think picking the slowest time of the year(spectator and car countwise) could be good for attendance(that would help make us welcome to come back with MORE cars). A little creative,yet truthful advertisement could go a long way. I really like the idea of being there if the TNT series comes through, as conservative as the vintage cars are, surely the track wouldn't take such a beating(?). Anything will do. Also it is not necessary for all of the cars to run, if they like, posing is just fine.

I know this- There is room for 7,000 + people in those stands at OkC.(Remember, at this time, nothing has been commited). There are MANY people who have not been to the races in years. This could bring a good number of them in.

Of course the KAR group would be a big help.We do not want any conflicting dates. For now, I have to wait until the end season races are over before I can talk to Lanny again.

October 07, 2008 at 05:14:43 PM
Joined: 03/29/2007
Posts: 85
This message was edited on October 08, 2008 at 08:09:29 PM by Racing From The Past

We would go to an Oklahoma show.


October 07, 2008 at 08:45:11 PM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918
This message was edited on October 09, 2008 at 04:48:39 PM by brian26
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Posted By: roostasix on October 07 2008 at 05:14:43 PM

We would go to an Oklahoma show.


Okay, so far we have KAR interested, and the Willingham Parson no.6!

Kyle, right now in the Vintage dirt circles outside of USAC, your car is a star! On every board I've been on that has a pic of your car, there is always someone that stops in their tracks and makes sure everyone knows that is their favorite. And I mean this is on sites that are LOADED with cool automobilia.

The count is growing, anybody else out there?

October 07, 2008 at 09:04:47 PM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918

By the way, it is my intention to print this thread off, add some pictures and take it to Lanny or any other interested party in order to show the interest here.


DO NOT FORGET WE ALSO NEED HOMEBUILT CARS TOO. We could use the contrast to help show the individuality of this era. Finished or unfinished, if it turned a lap in those days, you have no reason to be embarrassed to bring it out. To be fair, only reasonably safe operating cars should be allowed track time in order to help the majority of participants and spectators have a good time. People love to help when they're having a blast!


Everyone is split on the issue of their favorite cars being homebuilt or professionally built. Once again, this is simply an idea/discussion that is growing. Date and location to be determined later, hopefully decided before the end of the year. I like the idea of midsummer to late season so that unfinished cars will get plenty of time to be finished enough to get in some track time, but anything will do. Of course, if we end up with a realistic number that exceeds 25-30, we might have to look into a date at a track unto ourselves.


Also, if there is enough of you that want to run hard, it might be an idea to give you your own set of laps as a topper for the event. Just an idea.

October 07, 2008 at 09:17:00 PM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918
This message was edited on October 07, 2008 at 09:25:15 PM by brian26

Another idea- The Southwest NSRA Street Rod Nationals is on in April(?). That is a HUGE crowd into old cars. Many of them use the ideas originated from dirt. Traditional rods are in these days, and this could be the window to reintroduce our Traditional Race Cars. Throw in those race fans who have been sitting in all winter, it could work.

October 08, 2008 at 08:09:14 AM
Joined: 05/30/2008
Posts: 161

Brian, sounds like a great deal, let's try to make something happen. I'll help any way I can. I'm gonna get with Ernie & John Gilmore, I think we have enough stuff to put at least 1 100" car together, enough parts & pieces for a lot spares, if anybody needs it.

Count me in, lets work on this. Jim

[email protected]
October 08, 2008 at 08:47:49 AM
Joined: 08/02/2005
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Posted By: jimmessmer on October 08 2008 at 08:09:14 AM

Brian, sounds like a great deal, let's try to make something happen. I'll help any way I can. I'm gonna get with Ernie & John Gilmore, I think we have enough stuff to put at least 1 100" car together, enough parts & pieces for a lot spares, if anybody needs it.

Count me in, lets work on this. Jim

I can be there with at least three cars,maybe four if things go well.


October 08, 2008 at 11:17:34 AM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918
This message was edited on October 08, 2008 at 11:44:01 AM by brian26

The ball is rolling.

I know a good number of you have enthusiastic friends as well who will join suit. We're closing in on enough cars to make a Feature!

Jim, I still have a blue Gilmore frame I bought from John last year. I want to keep the red one, but if you all need that blue one, let me know. It has no damages on it. Yet with the history the Gilmores have in this common thread of ours, I'm sure they have something impressive.

David, welcome and glad to see ya! Not sure many people here know what a fine selection of artillery you have, but I'm sure they'd like to see it. I know if you show up , there could ANOTHER 2-3 cars following you from the north and central Texas area.


October 08, 2008 at 11:26:17 AM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918

I know this guy could be interested. This is i think the last car Pat Patterson drove? Only a few times,


October 08, 2008 at 11:28:00 AM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918
This message was edited on October 08, 2008 at 11:33:33 AM by brian26

I know this car runs and he is a rabid upright super/modified man. By the way, That's Davids CAE sprinter in the background. It impressed the h*** out of those Indy Drivers at Witchita Falls in '06.

October 08, 2008 at 11:31:19 AM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918

This car is of interest to many as well, be nice to see one if not all their cars there,


October 08, 2008 at 11:46:48 AM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918

This car would be nice to see, it is a rare, legitimate tag-toting Edmunds with an impressive history. He could also make a few sales with his body kits!


October 08, 2008 at 07:24:46 PM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918

Johnny Suggs is a name some might remember from Devils Bowl. He's pulled his spring front sprinter out and driven a race or two this year. Someone close to him might let him know.

Wilson Imports(?) on Sheilds did have at one time a flathead powered midget on display, they might be interested.

I know another guy who has a Silver Crown car formerly driven by Larry Rice. He has done a lot to promote this hobby. He is aware of this event and has said he is interested.


Racing From The Past
October 08, 2008 at 08:11:21 PM
Joined: 12/04/2004
Posts: 2303
This message was edited on October 08, 2008 at 08:37:14 PM by Racing From The Past
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Posted By: roostasix on October 07 2008 at 05:14:43 PM

We would go to an Oklahoma show.


Is Randy going to drive it to the meet? LOL There's talk he took the #6 to get a Bar B Que sandwich on Western Street in Amarillo. That's a main street in Amarillo, isn't it?.

Warren Vincent
Cans 4 Kansas Heroes

October 08, 2008 at 08:28:44 PM
Joined: 10/04/2005
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Posted By: brian26 on October 08 2008 at 11:17:34 AM

The ball is rolling.

I know a good number of you have enthusiastic friends as well who will join suit. We're closing in on enough cars to make a Feature!

Jim, I still have a blue Gilmore frame I bought from John last year. I want to keep the red one, but if you all need that blue one, let me know. It has no damages on it. Yet with the history the Gilmores have in this common thread of ours, I'm sure they have something impressive.

David, welcome and glad to see ya! Not sure many people here know what a fine selection of artillery you have, but I'm sure they'd like to see it. I know if you show up , there could ANOTHER 2-3 cars following you from the north and central Texas area.


I have seen you have posted many great photos on the other thread i started. I for one would be very interested in towing to oklahoma from iowa to race. Our vintage club here has a 3 day deal in september and i would like to invite you all. Please post your dates when you have decided. thanks in advance. PS any big block sprinters down your way?


October 08, 2008 at 10:06:37 PM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918
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Posted By: Racing From The Past on October 08 2008 at 08:11:21 PM

Is Randy going to drive it to the meet? LOL There's talk he took the #6 to get a Bar B Que sandwich on Western Street in Amarillo. That's a main street in Amarillo, isn't it?.

Yes, Randy would do that! Go Man GO!

October 08, 2008 at 10:11:31 PM
Joined: 12/03/2006
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Posted By: a500tt on October 08 2008 at 08:28:44 PM

I have seen you have posted many great photos on the other thread i started. I for one would be very interested in towing to oklahoma from iowa to race. Our vintage club here has a 3 day deal in september and i would like to invite you all. Please post your dates when you have decided. thanks in advance. PS any big block sprinters down your way?

No big block sprinters i know of in rolling form. We do remember them from the early outlaw days. We'd love to have you.

October 09, 2008 at 09:47:11 AM
Joined: 12/03/2006
Posts: 7918
This message was edited on October 23, 2008 at 01:28:55 PM by brian26


Just got 2 e-mails indicating interest. One guy is a well known street rodder in these parts as well as a former driver of sprints and midgets. He has indicated one midget to show, another for go.

Our own rustyrail from the KAR group is sending me pics of his flathead rail. I'm thinking this is an early Kansas super? Cacklefest or hardcore races, everyone likes the sound of a flathead.

As it is in this world for all of us, schedule permitting.

Based on what we've read here, and those I've met in the last 18 months as well as their associates who would come if this is for real, including myself with at least 2 cars- we have 17 to 28 cars of serious interest! I do know 22 of those cars run or could in short order just by completion. then add another 15 VERY STRONG possibles. Half of these are show only by conservative estimate. I try be conservative on my estimates, they could be more and still be truthful but I want to keep this as close to reality as possible. Not all cars are going to be there, but we might be surprised who and what shows up. So far we have interested parties wanting to bring cars from Coupes/sedans, supermodified, 6 cylinder modifieds, midget,sprint, and Silver Crown. This is by Thursday morning! The biggest number being from the supers.

We could use a few old tri-5 hobby stockers or anything that ran in that class. Update 10-23-08- Since there has been no interest shown either on this site or in the backchannels, any and all full fendered cars owners will need to submit a picture and a solid description of a car they wish to bring. It has been noted that we will avoid metric/late model style chassis with vintage stock car bodies placed over them. The idea for this group is based on those cars that raced until 1980. Metric chassis will not be allowed this year.

We need to figure out what the cutoff year should be or if we need one. If there is no cutoff year decided here, the heavy emphasis still needs to be put on Vintage Race Cars. What do you guys think?

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