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1. How do I put a video from YouTube in a post?
On YouTube's site there will be some code called embed on the video page.
Copy that code for the video and in the text editor that you submit your
post in click on the 9th button on the top row. The 9th button on the top
row is the "show Code/Design" button. This will put the editor in HTML or
code view. Once the editor is in code view right click and click paste. If
you can not right click in the editor use ctrl V on your keyboard. Hit ctrl
and V at the same time. After you paste the code into the editor then click
on the "show Code/Design" button again to put the editor back in Design view.
Click submit.

2. How do I change my username?
You can not change your username once you have registered.

3. I registered but I never received a email verification email. How come?
The email is sent to the email address that you registered with. If you did not
receive the verification email then one of the following has happened.
1. You registered a invalid email address
2. You are running a spam filter and the verification email got caught by your spam filter
3. You internet provider is running a spam filter and caught the verification email.
If you need help registering email [email protected]

3. How can I contact Hoseheadforums.com by phone?
Call 515-309-2160.


If you have a website and would like to set up a forum here at HoseHeadForums.com
please contact us by using the contact link at the top of the page.

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