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Forum: Racing From The Past (go)
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October 06, 2018 at 03:28:00 PM
Joined: 11/08/2006
Posts: 71
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Posted By: Scoanut on November 19 2017 at 05:58:54 AM

Jack rich built the ncra type cars and midgets stopped making sprint cars after buddy Taylor was killed in one of his cars ? Right?

I remember old guys tell a story about one night at a Mid-America Fairgrounds Sprint car show in Topeka somehow officials let"Fast Eddie" Leavitt drive a full midget.  In the feature the green flag dropped and he passed everyone before turn 1.  As he pitched it sideways he gestured with his left arm to the group of roaring sprinters behind him to catch up.  I've heard several versions of the tale but question if anyone remembers actually seeing it.  Eddie was a charactor.

January 15, 2020 at 02:15:06 PM
Joined: 01/15/2020
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Posted By: DGM 7620 on January 16 2009 at 10:34:07 PM


This is a Walker car, Aaron had them build it, the torsion tubes were under the seat and the arms ran back to the shackle plates, Aaron ran this afew times and Grady Wade drove it also for Aaron, I also believe this is the first car that Larry Madden drove. Somewhere in this thread you have posted a pic of this car that has Larry's name on it. Jim would know alot about this car it was in the time he worked for Aaron. George bought this car and put the 6 cyl. in it and was pretty fast at OKC & Goldsby. I remember he won 2 or 3 A-Fea. in it during this time at OKC, I believe it worked real well on the dry slick.

Yeah I know George, he's married to my cousin Sally. I wouldn't know the details about his car I just thought it was cool you knew George.

Geezer Gearhead
July 09, 2022 at 01:45:51 PM
Joined: 07/04/2022
Posts: 3

I was one of those that wrenched on Nance Machine Shop's #11 6cyl Chevy rail driven by Grady Wade at Hutch Nationals in 1963 , I also was on Mr. Nance's pit crew when #11 raced that year. Growing  up in the same neighborhood as the machine shop & Grady who was 5 years older than me & I having a Dad that was an automotive machinist & fabricator, Nance's on 29th was a likely place for me to be. I'm past 80 now & find myself thinking, where is that #11 rail now. Does any know it's location these days ?

February 13, 2024 at 11:52:46 AM
Joined: 05/02/2005
Posts: 1338

Gosh ,remember starting this thread back in 2005 and prolly not posted on here since maybe 2009/2010 or around those years???.
Been a pretty cool thread of :"Whatever Happened To" , some posters on this thread have left us and many are still around. Things change over the years and decades now with new forms of social media and ways of Facebook/Twitter or X or other forms of social media.
Old message boards are ol school now I guess? , but they served their purpose 20 yrs. ago and RFTP that Warren started on Hoseheads was it and the way back then. 

Things change and more so nowadays than ever , but talk of way back when and the racing was so good in the 60's thru the 80's and into the 90's , but the 70's seemed the best days of racing to me, others may say 60's and I am sure they have a legitimate reason for that decade as well. 
Racing never be the same as it once was with technology of so many things from Tires to Chassis to Shocks to High HP Motors today and the $COSTS$ , but simplicity of back then of build it yourself from chassis to motors has been lost to today's cookie cutter cars and store bought motors, been fortunate to see nearly 6 decades of racing and how it's evolved from then to now. Some of it good and some of it not so sure how much better it got??.

Just some thoughts on racing from the past to now and just thought I would post on this thread again some 19 yrs. later.

PS: Had to really think to remember my password to login.




Racing From The Past
February 27, 2024 at 08:41:48 PM
Joined: 12/04/2004
Posts: 2303
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Posted By: jdsprint71 on February 13 2024 at 11:52:46 AM

Gosh ,remember starting this thread back in 2005 and prolly not posted on here since maybe 2009/2010 or around those years???.
Been a pretty cool thread of :"Whatever Happened To" , some posters on this thread have left us and many are still around. Things change over the years and decades now with new forms of social media and ways of Facebook/Twitter or X or other forms of social media.
Old message boards are ol school now I guess? , but they served their purpose 20 yrs. ago and RFTP that Warren started on Hoseheads was it and the way back then. 

Things change and more so nowadays than ever , but talk of way back when and the racing was so good in the 60's thru the 80's and into the 90's , but the 70's seemed the best days of racing to me, others may say 60's and I am sure they have a legitimate reason for that decade as well. 
Racing never be the same as it once was with technology of so many things from Tires to Chassis to Shocks to High HP Motors today and the $COSTS$ , but simplicity of back then of build it yourself from chassis to motors has been lost to today's cookie cutter cars and store bought motors, been fortunate to see nearly 6 decades of racing and how it's evolved from then to now. Some of it good and some of it not so sure how much better it got??.

Just some thoughts on racing from the past to now and just thought I would post on this thread again some 19 yrs. later.

PS: Had to really think to remember my password to login.




Been way out of the loop for 14 years but had someone has me questions about one of my cars he thinks he has the John Schipperts supers.

Warren Vincent
Cans 4 Kansas Heroes

May 08, 2024 at 10:09:26 AM
Joined: 05/02/2005
Posts: 1338

His name is not Jackie Jones is it??

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