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Topic: Tired of all the illegals invading our country?
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May 19, 2007 at 07:30:11 AM
Joined: 12/20/2004
Posts: 9

I agree 100%. if you look at the ingredients on most of are food its in Spanish. If they cant read or speak English then its time for them to go back to there native lands. some of them get mad when you cant understand what they are tiring to say.

May 19, 2007 at 09:05:43 AM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 28
This message was edited on May 19, 2007 at 05:04:12 PM by speed219

Another string of "civil" posts from OKCFan12. I'm not defending Bush but, unlike you, I don't believe every problem that exists in this country is his fault. If you could get by your blind rage and look back, you'ld see that the large scale influx of illegals started before he was elected. Maybe they weren't in your town yet, but they were in mine.

MyResults MyPressRelease
May 19, 2007 at 10:11:56 AM
Joined: 11/07/2006
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This message was edited on May 19, 2007 at 10:12:49 AM by StanM
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Posted By: Midwest Race Fan on May 18 2007 at 11:59:38 AM

There's what, 12 Million illegal aliens in this country? And we're just going to go round them all up and ship them back to where ever they came from? Sounds good in principle, but I don't think we'd be happy if this were to actually happen!!!

How much would it cost to create the new Department of Illegal Alien Rounding Up (DIARU), hire the people to do this, build holding areas, and transport them to where ever? Watch for your taxes to go up again. Plus, how much is it going to cost to increase border security on both borders so that they don't come back? Then, what would the effect be on the economy? Most of the jobs these people do are low paying, crappy jobs that nobody wants. So, now the employers will have to pay a lot more to get the same work done, and that will be reflected in higher prices at the stores for all of us.

Just some things to think about........

I think you're right on. If you read between the lines I think what we're seeing is that this situation is out of control. The concept of borders and civilized society depend on one important factor (and this is what I believe but I don't see it in the media). That is why terrorism works, it creates an underlying feeling of fear and dread, especially in a society like ours where we depend on other citizens to "play by the rules" just like we do. I think racefans can relate to what I'm trying to say, we don't know our fellow fans but for the most part we can trust most of them. When there are problems in the parking lots or a race team gets ripped off it's usually "outsiders." So we have that trust on a small scale that is necessary for a civilized society to function. Take away that trust and governments crack down on basic civil rights to ward off anarchy.

As far as the illegals I agree on your point. How are we going to "round up" twelve million people when we have a helluva time securing a neighborhood in Iraq from a much smaller number of lawless individuals? Take our inner cities as another example where we've got street gangs operating pretty much at will. The police know what parts of town are "hot" and probably could pinpoint the exact neighborhoods that are the worst offenders. They've got their hands tied by laws that were designed to protect honest hard working people but are back firing and being used by thugs so they can continue to operate. Nevertheless, our inner cities are just like Iraq in a way, they do a "surge" in one part of LA for example, the thugs lay low and trouble pops up somewhere else. For all the technology we've got, they can take pictures of these bad guys from a satellite, it still comes down to walking the streets and kicking down doors.

The current population of Minnesota where I live is around 3 1/2 to 4 million. That means it would take an effort three times larger than clearing out my home state to rid the US of all illegals. I think that when it's put like that and compared to the problems we have rooting gangs of hundreds out of our cities and a few thousands insurgents out of Baghdad you can begin to see the enormity of the task. My take is that they have a big problem, 12 million strong to be exact, on their hands. Not all of the 12 million are bad eggs but I've known enough people who immigrated legally to know that I don't have any respect for those who do it any other way. Unfortunately, we don't have enough resources to deport a few thousand let alone 12 million people.

Stan Meissner

May 19, 2007 at 10:32:14 AM
Joined: 02/27/2005
Posts: 4443

When I was a kid I used to work weekend jobs with Mexicans for spending money. Everyone looked like they busted ass to me which is more than I can say for a lot of others. All I really wanted was a car, and they were supporting extended family back home with their wage. Only real knock I have is running up medical and insurance rates by being uninsured. Insurance is a huge problem in our country, it's holding business down. Also, one of the reasons China is kicking our ass is because they have a billion person cheap labor pool in country, also something to think about. This is one of those cases where it might be smarter to let the market dictate things. Seems to me we need them here, but we need them legal so big brother can keep a better eye on them for all our sakes.




They don't even know how to spell sprint car much less chromoly...http://www.ycmco.com

May 20, 2007 at 04:44:52 AM
Joined: 01/25/2006
Posts: 75

Being of Italian decent its hard to say get rid of immigrants but my family all came in legally from Italy to Ellis Island with paperwork and all. Couldnt speak the language and was treated badly but instead of crying and wanting assistance they where very proud and worked hard for everything they got there whole life without any hand outs, They may not of been very rich but they made the most out of it, family and life,   It makes me very proud.   Whats going on now makes me sick! People that could give a damn about America are gettin the red carpet treatment.  Its a racing board so lets think of our fellow Aussies or Canadians that race with us during the summer they have to go through hell to get Temporary citizenship to get into our country and have to renew usually 4 months???? they are usually of a monetary background, educated well, and not a threat to american life or jobs and they are treated like the plague by the US, Canadians can only cross into the united states I beleive a few times without paperwork and if they go to other borders and are caught they are called border jumpers and reprimanded?????      If America started to take care of our Americans and our closest allies instead of everybody else that hates us, I think the country could get out of the slump that the Bush's have slopped on us.     As ive been telling my friends in racing we like it when we go watch the World of Outlaws, but hell I really think   the Repubs.  are really giving us a showing  of what OUTLAW'S are all about  I mean not one or two but the whole damn cabinet has been linked or associated with scandal,  its either the real OUTLAW'S  or the damn Pirates of the Carribean up in  DC.  For those who may disagree with me its all good just stating an opinion but wow when gas hits 4 bucks like its forcasted lets take a think of who profits,   We rousted Clinton cause he was gettin a little on the side hell, now it seems we are all taking it in the shorts by our current Pennzoil President.


May 20, 2007 at 03:28:44 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 5

I believe I can speak from some experience here. I have worked with illegals for many years. Some of them have even resided at my residence. What most of them do is unexcusable to me. They do work hard but when they don't pay taxes like u and me then that bothers me. I would say that most of the younger ones that I have known when it comes time for the taxes they don't pay them. What they do is when they file a form to work and the status they have most of them will tell an employer they have 4 or 5 dependents and then hardly any federal tax is taken out. And these people are only in their early 20's doing this. Their paychecks are more than $150 a week more than mine and I ask u is this fair. With no taxes being taken out they therefore do not file a federal tax form at the end of the year and is this right? Let u or I do this once and see the trouble we get into. I could probably say more but that is the one point that bothers me the most. No wonder they want to work in the good ole USA. Who wouldn't if u don't have to obey the rules like the rest of us.

May 21, 2007 at 02:12:07 PM
Joined: 01/30/2007
Posts: 77
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Posted By: coil over on May 18 2007 at 04:01:48 PM

I say if you are illegal then get the he## out of my country. You may come back when you come in the LEGAL way. If you can't speak English either #1 learn it or #2 don't expect me to learn YOUR language in MY country! If you can't follow the rules then leave. It is pretty simple....someone tell me...why do we even have rules and laws????

This is so amazingly ignorant it is pathetic this is a country founded on the principles of a new life "Give us your weak your tired etc....) The real problem in America is white greed and ignorance it is far easier to hate someone than work with them this country relies on china and the exploitation of workers to sustain its existence the sad reality is unless the ship steers a new course we are in deep s The reason all you backward ass people are running for the hills and screaming about illegals is because you know deep down that you are going to have to get off of your fat uneducated asses and work for as living As far as RUNNING THEM OUT OF MY COUNTRY you need to leave the sticks and realize that hispanics, blacks and asians account for a huge percentage of the US population the days of dumb ass hicks being able to spout racist rehtoric are over your average american kid in 20 years is going to be bi-lingual or he is going to be hungry and that is just a fact Society evolves coilover maybe your knuckles still drag when you walk but your time is running out So my advice for you is not to post ignorant statements because in a lot of parts of the US the things you have said would get your ass kicked Posts like this not only piss me off but also make me question why a Sprint Car board would host such nonsense

I am sure you can find a like minded audience on a late model or figure 8 board somewhere

May 21, 2007 at 03:25:23 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 28

Chasingoutlaws; For someone who is calling another "uneducated", you sure seem to have some serious issues with grammar and puncuation.

team wright-one
May 22, 2007 at 02:44:14 AM
Joined: 11/29/2005
Posts: 1773

the problem with illegals coming in now is they don't want to contribute to america. they want to take. in the old days they came to stay to learn and to be part of the nation. today they don't plan on staying learning or being part of the nation. they send most of the money they make home. it does not stay here.when some one comes in legally they have to learn english and american history ect. and learn how to assimilate.they have to learn what it means to be american and what is expected of americans,and why. but these people don't want to do that and they do not encourage their kids. they bring in their whole families and make fast money to build houses and stuff back home. it is not a hate on mexico thing. but they are abusing the fact that they are right on the border and have relatively easy access. they are running down this country and lowering wages and standards. we are letting people in here to run around and not give a darn about what it takes for this country to survive. they just want to pick it dry. they may not know they are doing it. they just see all we have and want some too. but they have no idea how we got it. and when it is ruined, they can go back to their new houses in mexico ,built with our tax money. but it will be us that has to clean the mess up. so don't give me the line that they are doing the jobs we won't. we make it too easy on ourselves and for them . if they were not here things would get done. they did not all get here overnight and they all can not be gotten out overnight. things evolved over time and they could do the same in reverse. yes most of these people are harmless and just looking for a better life. so am i ,so are you. don't let no bleeding hearts group make that excuse for them. it is correct that the government has been useless in this deal. but you have all the opposition groups stirring up crap too. this country has a right to select who comes in and how many. and if there were less and less illegals there would be jobs that needed to be done and eventually some one would do them for what employers would be willing to pay. it would all work out.

May 22, 2007 at 05:03:29 PM
Joined: 01/30/2007
Posts: 77
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Posted By: speed219 on May 21 2007 at 03:25:23 PM

Chasingoutlaws; For someone who is calling another "uneducated", you sure seem to have some serious issues with grammar and puncuation.

I wasn't writing a thesis dude

Slide Job
May 22, 2007 at 06:00:02 PM
Joined: 03/30/2007
Posts: 133
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Posted By: Midwest Race Fan on May 18 2007 at 11:59:38 AM

There's what, 12 Million illegal aliens in this country? And we're just going to go round them all up and ship them back to where ever they came from? Sounds good in principle, but I don't think we'd be happy if this were to actually happen!!!

How much would it cost to create the new Department of Illegal Alien Rounding Up (DIARU), hire the people to do this, build holding areas, and transport them to where ever? Watch for your taxes to go up again. Plus, how much is it going to cost to increase border security on both borders so that they don't come back? Then, what would the effect be on the economy? Most of the jobs these people do are low paying, crappy jobs that nobody wants. So, now the employers will have to pay a lot more to get the same work done, and that will be reflected in higher prices at the stores for all of us.

Just some things to think about........

Can't say if the 12 Mil is an accurate number, Midwest, but I did see a stat that really bothered me. Only five percent of all illegals do "Farm Labor" because they hold out for better paying jobs in the trades. No Union to stop them, they put on your roof, fix your car, put tires on your truck, cook your food, pick up your trash......... etc. Our economy is saturated with them and it is a real dilema for the entire nation. These illegals do not pay into insurance pools or participate in other spending that most of us do. Instead, they send the excess to Mexico, El Salvador, or wherever and flush the $$$ out of the local economy. It goes even further when you consider the medical costs the rest of the country has to pick up for them. Thats huge stuff.

Like your thought provoking msg. See you at a track near you. In the mean time, take a kid to a good sprint car race. ( I will be in Calistoga this weekend watching the Golden State Challenge)


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