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Topic: Racing in 2020--not looking good in most predictions Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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April 24, 2020 at 08:34:10 PM
Joined: 12/02/2004
Posts: 877

Good God 100  replys in this thread and many more in others and the sky still hasn't fallen. I fact I don't think anything has changed. How many times can you say the same things. I couldn't get up in the morning if I spent as much time fretting as some do.

April 25, 2020 at 08:03:49 AM
Joined: 06/04/2012
Posts: 1754
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Posted By: longtimefan on April 24 2020 at 08:34:10 PM

Good God 100  replys in this thread and many more in others and the sky still hasn't fallen. I fact I don't think anything has changed. How many times can you say the same things. I couldn't get up in the morning if I spent as much time fretting as some do.

No one's really fretting. It's just a discussion. It is possible to just read up on a topic just to gain knowledge & understanding about. Nothing different than a lot of people reading up on football players and trying to think who their favorite team is going to select in the draft now. 

Personally this thing hasn't effected me that much or stressed me out or really changed my life. I get up everyday, do my work that I have to do, read what I want to read, play with my son, take care of the house, etc. Only inconvenience I have had to this point is no racing but to this point, the only one I could have gone to would have been rained out. No sky falling, just regular discussion on a discussion board

April 25, 2020 at 08:14:35 AM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4030
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Posted By: longtimefan on April 24 2020 at 08:34:10 PM

Good God 100  replys in this thread and many more in others and the sky still hasn't fallen. I fact I don't think anything has changed. How many times can you say the same things. I couldn't get up in the morning if I spent as much time fretting as some do.

Gotta agree with Nick14 on this one.  What would you like us to do on a discussion forum?  

April 25, 2020 at 10:02:53 AM
Joined: 04/21/2017
Posts: 1138

This is really supposed to be a discussion forum about racing, although I had to laugh at the saturday morning pissing match between a couple of posters. But hey.. there is a race tonight but that thread probably got jacked with the virus too.

 There are plenty of forums on the web discussing  the virus, politics, racism and religion (that last one is for you revjim). Why can't we just talk about racing here without every racing thread getting hi jacked.

I'm curious about the race tonight. Will it be a money maker, will the server be able to handle the traffic, and what about track prep?

April 25, 2020 at 10:06:56 AM
Joined: 08/26/2017
Posts: 75
This message was edited on April 25, 2020 at 10:32:55 AM by YRB12
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Posted By: egras on April 25 2020 at 08:14:35 AM

Gotta agree with Nick14 on this one.  What would you like us to do on a discussion forum?  

I disagree. I would think on a racing discussion forum the discussion would be about racing for the most part. Not, every thread being hijacked by the same thing everytime. This thread started out racing related. And it appears racing will be happening today despite being predicted as the least likely outcome at the start of this thread. 

April 25, 2020 at 10:51:44 AM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4030
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Posted By: YRB12 on April 25 2020 at 10:06:56 AM

I disagree. I would think on a racing discussion forum the discussion would be about racing for the most part. Not, every thread being hijacked by the same thing everytime. This thread started out racing related. And it appears racing will be happening today despite being predicted as the least likely outcome at the start of this thread. 

That's fine you disagree..............but that doesn't mean we can't still post about it.  There is no bigger news in racing than the reality of the situation we're in so what do you want to talk about?  Even the race tonight is directly related to the virus.  

Also, I started the thread so I know what it's about.  It is about how many experts don't believe large crowds will be allowed in most places in the US in 2020.  That sounds like "not looking good in most predictions."  I don't think an empty race on pay-per-view changes that prediction either.  Too many tracks still sitting idle and will be for a long time----probably a lot of them for the entire summer.  

By the way, I want this to end as much as anyone on here.  I am just accepting the reality of the situation.  I know some of you want to continue to hear good news----and there is some as we have been talking about on here.  But it's not good enough news to think health officials are going to give us the green light on race tracks.  Not yet anyways.  

Our optimism, pessimism, or realism will not change what the gov't is going to do.  They are going to look at the numbers and make a determination based off of that.

I don't know why everyone gets so uptight when sprint car fans want to discuss this.  It keeps me sane to know others are out there following this and it keeps me sane looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.   If it bothers you, skip to a topic on here you may enjoy.  Good luck finding many.  


April 25, 2020 at 11:04:09 AM
Joined: 04/21/2017
Posts: 1138

"Skip to a topic on here you may enjoy"  Are you f#$%!ng serious? I'm a bit uptight because "so called" sprint car fans don't talk about racing. Every topic on this site besides pic of the day gets hi jacked by BS. Can't you wanna be scientists/ sprint fans (lol). keep your shit in one or two threads or preferably another web site?

April 25, 2020 at 11:08:50 AM
Joined: 06/04/2012
Posts: 1754
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Posted By: beezr2002 on April 25 2020 at 10:02:53 AM

This is really supposed to be a discussion forum about racing, although I had to laugh at the saturday morning pissing match between a couple of posters. But hey.. there is a race tonight but that thread probably got jacked with the virus too.

 There are plenty of forums on the web discussing  the virus, politics, racism and religion (that last one is for you revjim). Why can't we just talk about racing here without every racing thread getting hi jacked.

I'm curious about the race tonight. Will it be a money maker, will the server be able to handle the traffic, and what about track prep?

Well unfortunately, the virus has a relation in how it affects racing currently. As much as we would like to talk about racing, there hasn't been much to talk about. Which has led other people to speculate and give opinions making them political & in some cases religious (racism or level of was kinda impossible to not talk about). People have brought up media, political affiliation, this & that religious figures perspective and if it's ok for them to bring state their opinions, it's ok for those of us who think the opposite to state ours. We don't have to agree & in some cases, even read. 

If people don't want politics, religious views, world events, etc to be talked about, blame the ones who bring it up and say the whole libtard or conservacraps (just 1example) insults because once things like that are said, you will get a response from the other side defending their thought. I am all for keeping the politics & religion to yourself. The virus will continue to be talked about though, as it does have an impact no matter how much people want to believe or deny

April 25, 2020 at 12:54:45 PM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4030
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Posted By: beezr2002 on April 25 2020 at 11:04:09 AM

"Skip to a topic on here you may enjoy"  Are you f#$%!ng serious? I'm a bit uptight because "so called" sprint car fans don't talk about racing. Every topic on this site besides pic of the day gets hi jacked by BS. Can't you wanna be scientists/ sprint fans (lol). keep your shit in one or two threads or preferably another web site?

I would gladly talk about racing-------if there were racing to talk about.  Tomorrow, I think the main topic will be the race tonight for those of us that buy it.  I can't wait to watch it and get everything else off of my mind.  You act like we are enjoying seeing the demise of our country's economy.  I hate it.  It's affecting my life and my pocketbook as well.  


Also, I have noticed a big percentage of the people that don't want to talk about the virus anymore were the same ones that said it was a hoax, was overblown, and would not have any impact on sprint car racing.  Now the new attack is to tell us to move on to another subject.  What happened to "it's all fake?"

April 25, 2020 at 12:57:20 PM
Joined: 03/18/2008
Posts: 1489
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Posted By: egras on April 25 2020 at 08:14:35 AM

Gotta agree with Nick14 on this one.  What would you like us to do on a discussion forum?  

You and I could always talk about the Blackhawks like we did about 5 or so years ago.  That seemed to piss people off.  All I know is those conversations on here led me to meet you at a race and I found a great racing buddy

April 25, 2020 at 01:02:46 PM
Joined: 03/18/2008
Posts: 1489
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Posted By: beezr2002 on April 25 2020 at 11:04:09 AM

"Skip to a topic on here you may enjoy"  Are you f#$%!ng serious? I'm a bit uptight because "so called" sprint car fans don't talk about racing. Every topic on this site besides pic of the day gets hi jacked by BS. Can't you wanna be scientists/ sprint fans (lol). keep your shit in one or two threads or preferably another web site?

OR, as stated before, you could just skip topics or go to another website that has what you are looking for.  Rather simple

April 25, 2020 at 05:28:27 PM
Joined: 04/21/2017
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Posted By: maddog53 on April 25 2020 at 12:57:20 PM

You and I could always talk about the Blackhawks like we did about 5 or so years ago.  That seemed to piss people off.  All I know is those conversations on here led me to meet you at a race and I found a great racing buddy

Why don't you bother a hockey forum then,, or do you? You do understand this website and forum was created for sprint car fans to discuss sprint car racing. If you are such good buddies with the other dude why aren't you face book pals?.

April 25, 2020 at 05:49:03 PM
Joined: 04/21/2017
Posts: 1138
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Posted By: egras on April 25 2020 at 12:54:45 PM

I would gladly talk about racing-------if there were racing to talk about.  Tomorrow, I think the main topic will be the race tonight for those of us that buy it.  I can't wait to watch it and get everything else off of my mind.  You act like we are enjoying seeing the demise of our country's economy.  I hate it.  It's affecting my life and my pocketbook as well.  


Also, I have noticed a big percentage of the people that don't want to talk about the virus anymore were the same ones that said it was a hoax, was overblown, and would not have any impact on sprint car racing.  Now the new attack is to tell us to move on to another subject.  What happened to "it's all fake?"

 You assume a lot of stuff dude. I do think you are enjoying getting your post count up and you like blabbing about what you might think is the downfall of civilization. I will agree with you on one thing. It is affecting almost everyone. Your second paragraph says a lot about you.  What is the New attack, why do you feel that you are being attacked because someone asks you discuss racing on a racing forum. Oh,  you feel you are being attacked because I and maybe some others would like to see you move onto a racing subject. Well I understand completely, it has to be your playground since you are at a tender part of your life. Please find a warm fuzzy safe place for the rest of your life.

April 26, 2020 at 12:44:50 AM
Joined: 09/14/2010
Posts: 7664
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Posted By: egras on April 25 2020 at 12:54:45 PM

I would gladly talk about racing-------if there were racing to talk about.  Tomorrow, I think the main topic will be the race tonight for those of us that buy it.  I can't wait to watch it and get everything else off of my mind.  You act like we are enjoying seeing the demise of our country's economy.  I hate it.  It's affecting my life and my pocketbook as well.  


Also, I have noticed a big percentage of the people that don't want to talk about the virus anymore were the same ones that said it was a hoax, was overblown, and would not have any impact on sprint car racing.  Now the new attack is to tell us to move on to another subject.  What happened to "it's all fake?"

Exactly. there's no racing because of COVID

So its a totally relevant topic

I WISH we could just talk about racing....

April 26, 2020 at 02:04:25 AM
Joined: 05/23/2014
Posts: 299
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Posted By: revjimk on April 26 2020 at 12:44:50 AM

Exactly. there's no racing because of COVID

So its a totally relevant topic

I WISH we could just talk about racing....

Has any promoter thought about Lysol injecting stations at the track? 

April 26, 2020 at 07:51:07 AM
Joined: 09/12/2013
Posts: 2698
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Posted By: SamHerring14 on April 26 2020 at 02:04:25 AM

Has any promoter thought about Lysol injecting stations at the track? 

Maybe you should ask Fauci since he has been wrong with everything he had said.  He needs FIRED right away!!

Let's go Sprint Car Racing!

Knoxville - Best Track In the USA!
Eldora - 2nd Best Track in the USA!

April 26, 2020 at 09:11:20 AM
Joined: 08/16/2009
Posts: 4030
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Posted By: beezr2002 on April 25 2020 at 05:49:03 PM

 You assume a lot of stuff dude. I do think you are enjoying getting your post count up and you like blabbing about what you might think is the downfall of civilization. I will agree with you on one thing. It is affecting almost everyone. Your second paragraph says a lot about you.  What is the New attack, why do you feel that you are being attacked because someone asks you discuss racing on a racing forum. Oh,  you feel you are being attacked because I and maybe some others would like to see you move onto a racing subject. Well I understand completely, it has to be your playground since you are at a tender part of your life. Please find a warm fuzzy safe place for the rest of your life.

Please point out where I said this was the downfall of civilization.  If you read everything I've said, you will see I am pretty realistic about everything.  I realize this is not the end of the world.  I realize I am very unlikely to die from it.  I realize this is not near as deadly as once suggested.  But I also realize this is far more serious than some have suggested.  

So, when did I think this was the downfall of civilization?  How does talking about what's going on make me into a doomsdayer?  

As far as the second paragraph, who gives you the right to tell us what subjects we can and can't discuss?  Our topic on this entire thread has been related to when we get back to the track.  Move on to a different topic if you don't want to discuss this one.  Right now, there are few things to discuss other than when we are getting back on the track. 


By the way, I watched the pay-per-view last night and I'm ready to be back at the track.  I want this to be done as much as anyone.  I feel more and more positive every day about the possibility of seeing some in-person racing yet in 2020.  I wouldn't bet on it, but it feels more like it COULD happen

April 26, 2020 at 09:15:24 AM
Joined: 03/18/2008
Posts: 1489
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Posted By: beezr2002 on April 25 2020 at 05:28:27 PM

Why don't you bother a hockey forum then,, or do you? You do understand this website and forum was created for sprint car fans to discuss sprint car racing. If you are such good buddies with the other dude why aren't you face book pals?.

My post actually references sprint car racing and it seems like you are not discussing sprint car racing in your own posts so just what is it that you are trying to say?    

April 26, 2020 at 12:54:08 PM
Joined: 09/14/2010
Posts: 7664
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Posted By: BStrawser26 on April 26 2020 at 07:51:07 AM

Maybe you should ask Fauci since he has been wrong with everything he had said.  He needs FIRED right away!!

Fauci didn't suggest injecting disinfectants, you moron


April 27, 2020 at 03:01:30 PM
Joined: 06/20/2017
Posts: 498
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Posted By: egras on April 24 2020 at 07:22:01 PM

Good stuff again Kingpin.


It's also worth noting that New York City had the 21% antibody prevalance (per your previous post) while the warmer, southern "hot-spot" of Miami had a 6% rate.  It has definitely been a more exponential spread in colder climates.  That tells me that warmer weather will almost definitely slow the spread to a point that would allow much of our country to open up by June---at least to some sort of normal. 

Will that allow racing crowds?  In my opinion, they should be allowed with an emphasis on social distancing and a recommendation for those in the high-risk category stay home for this season. 

It seems that we have two clashing personalities in this entire crisis.  We have those who are giving us the recommendations to the quickest, safest route out of this mess.  And then we have those who refuse to listen and defy orders-----causing us to lose more freedoms for longer.  

So, until we start to listen to the "no groups of more than......" or "no gatherings at parks" or "only 1 person into Walmart at a time" or "no play dates" or..........you get the picture, they will not allow racing because if you put the social distancing guidelines in as a rule for the race crowd, they have to assume no one will listen.  This is because we are a spoiled, entitled society that is not going to let anyone tell us what is best for us-----------even if they are right.  And so far, there has been nothing that has happened to prove that they haven't been right about this all along.  

My grandmother is 96.  She laughs when she hears about how tough everyone has it right now with the stay at home order.  Some of her friends and relatives were shipped overseas for WWII and were never heard from again.  She said there was actual genuine fear that we were going to lose the war, and with it, their land and homes and possibly lives.  She thinks it's comical everyone believes this is as tough as it gets.  

To sum up my points:  Everyone start following the guidelines and we may get the okay to run some races this summer.  But before we do, they have to believe we aren't a bunch of redneck morons that can't follow rules.  

New New York survey results today- 25% antibody prevelance in NYC (up 4%) and 15% (up 1%) of the state as a whole. I also found out reading the fine print that these tests are for long term antibodies that have a 3-4 week lag in showing up. Meaning this is really giving us a snapshot of the infection penetration in early April. A person who recovered 2 weeks ago would not show up as positive in this. I think this puts my 40% estimate in the ball park for sure.

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