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Topic: Under the influence?? Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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September 24, 2014 at 03:29:53 PM
Joined: 06/04/2012
Posts: 1754

From the start of this I have said that this has been a very tragic accident and no one is at fault. Could it have been avoided?  possibly but as can a lot of situations that happen in life, the fact of the matter is that it happened and it was an accident. Why do we need to have a scapegoat in this? First all the media did was just paint a picture that Tony ran over this innocent kid and now that all of the FACTS come out, now people want to crucify the kid's reputation. Just treat it like it is, an accident. Quit trying to blame people run their character through the mud. A lot of people already have egg on their face when they villified Tony without all the facts, don't let it happen to this kid either.

September 24, 2014 at 03:30:51 PM
Joined: 12/03/2004
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Posted By: on at

No problem.  Sadly my comment has contributed more to the conversation than any of your inane ramblings.

racin buddy
September 24, 2014 at 03:31:54 PM
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Posted By: chance2195 on September 24 2014 at 03:22:37 PM

If Ward read the bible before the incident would the bible be to blame?  Religion has caused many deaths.  

If Ward had been found with alcohol in his system it would have been blamed.

All the stoners say pot shouldn't be treated different than alcohol.

The thing is the DA didn't say Ward had traces of pot or that pot was found in his system he said Ward was UNDER THE INFLUANCE.

Under the influance of ANYTHING doesn't look good.

September 24, 2014 at 03:32:46 PM
Joined: 07/24/2011
Posts: 69

Just as everyone should have figured when the family wouldn't let the toxicology test results be public. But lets all keep in mined that a tragedy happened and none of us have to live with that every day & night.That part would be awfull to bare.

One thing that I do wonder is how many news reporters and tv stations like (ESPN, Ricky Craven) and others are thinking today after reporting on a sport they knew nothing about and basic fact is threw Tony under the bus right from the start.

INTERESTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 24, 2014 at 03:37:22 PM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 3751

sooner or later a grand juror will jump into the limelight for an interview

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September 24, 2014 at 03:42:55 PM
Joined: 07/02/2013
Posts: 92

I am absolutely shocked the amount of people who play off the weed angle... I believe it had not influenced this particular instance one bit.... but damn, you do not belong behind a sprint car when you are impaired. To even suggest thats its ok proves how big of a moron you are. Wether you want to believe it or not, it affects judgement and motor skills... and when youre traveling hundreds of feet a second, being one step off can kill someone. Morons.


buzz rightrear
September 24, 2014 at 03:46:54 PM
Joined: 09/12/2008
Posts: 2511

the proof that weed impairs your judgement is fully represented by the pot heads posting here.

when your need to support the weed and defend it at all cost keeps you from facing the fact that it is a substance that alters your ability to perform and can change your assessment of things then you prove your opponants point.

racing under the influance of anything isn't good.

getting out of your car and running down the track isn't smart. doing it under the influance just makes it worse.

did weed alone make ward act the way he did? most likely not. did it have an effect? we can't say for sure.

to indy and beyond!!

September 24, 2014 at 03:47:49 PM
Joined: 03/22/2008
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Posted By: madman9900 on September 24 2014 at 03:12:50 PM

It doesn't matter if you believe the pot was a contributing factor in this accident or not, I personally do, you give up a lot of rights that you are normally entitled to when you choose to do something illegal. Pot is still illegal.  Would the grand jury excuse him if he had just had a couple beers?  I don't think so, and that's why the pot was  a factor in the decision. 

With marijuana, you don't know if he was under the influence at the time or not. It stays in your sytem for about 30 days. No one can say he was high at the time unless they personally witnessed him smoking before the race. I've heard stories about Opperman and many others back in the day but I don't think it would help at all. Every tuime I ever drove stoned, I went slower. You're definitely right about the legal matters though. That will play a big part in Tony's defense if it ever goes to trial.


September 24, 2014 at 03:55:04 PM
Joined: 02/11/2007
Posts: 1163

Marijuana can stay in your system for weeks. There is no way they know whether he was high at the track, or even if he'd actually smoked that day.

September 24, 2014 at 03:56:55 PM
Joined: 07/02/2013
Posts: 92

They said there was a "high enough level to render him impaired". I read those stories about Opperman and those guys too, but thankfully we have come a along way in every aspect of safety in racing since then, that we should be able to count on each other as fellow humans and competitors, to not personly engage in things that put each other at risk. Why wear a Hans device to be wiped out by some idiot who chooses to drive high and impaired?

September 24, 2014 at 03:58:51 PM
Joined: 01/06/2009
Posts: 410

Stoners coming to the defense of stoners, no surprise there. I doubt that was the deciding factor and there was more in play than that. Depending on how much was in his system would have made a difference in his behaviour and reaction time. My stance is drivers should not be boozed up or stoned while racing. 

Driver testimony, especially the one that just missed him, was probably more of a factor.

Also curious as to what the 2nd video showed. If it shows Tony coming all the way thru the turn that would make the decision easy.

buzz rightrear
September 24, 2014 at 04:01:47 PM
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Posted By: HoldenCaulfield on September 24 2014 at 03:47:49 PM

With marijuana, you don't know if he was under the influence at the time or not. It stays in your sytem for about 30 days. No one can say he was high at the time unless they personally witnessed him smoking before the race. I've heard stories about Opperman and many others back in the day but I don't think it would help at all. Every tuime I ever drove stoned, I went slower. You're definitely right about the legal matters though. That will play a big part in Tony's defense if it ever goes to trial.

i am not sure but i think that they can get a better reading on telling the difference between residual in your blood and recent ingestion now a days. the DA used the term under the influance pretty strongly vs. just saying ward had it in his system.

with the law legalizing weed i would think there are standards being developed to determine the threashold of under the influance and just having residual findings. i am guessinhg they can have a better idea now than years ago.


to indy and beyond!!

September 24, 2014 at 04:02:32 PM
Joined: 05/23/2014
Posts: 299

sad it went this far knowing the kid was Under the influence of pot. shouldnt even be behind the wheel of a road car 

buzz rightrear
September 24, 2014 at 04:07:32 PM
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Posted By: on at

you continue to prove the case against you.

impaired is impaired.


to indy and beyond!!

September 24, 2014 at 04:12:19 PM
Joined: 02/17/2014
Posts: 223

Impaired is impaired, doesnt mean if you did it 2days ago or 2hours ago its still in your body. People react differently to things, maybe Kevin Ward was a wild out of control person when he was stoned, we dont know. The thing I do know is that alot of people own TS apology for throwing him under the bus like they did. This case is cut and dry, he was high he was at fault. I may be cold but this kid is an idiot for driving a sprint car under the influence, they are hard enough to drive sober.

September 24, 2014 at 04:12:34 PM
Joined: 02/11/2007
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Posted By: buzz rightrear on September 24 2014 at 04:01:47 PM

i am not sure but i think that they can get a better reading on telling the difference between residual in your blood and recent ingestion now a days. the DA used the term under the influance pretty strongly vs. just saying ward had it in his system.

with the law legalizing weed i would think there are standards being developed to determine the threashold of under the influance and just having residual findings. i am guessinhg they can have a better idea now than years ago.


Nope, part of the reason many states are hesitant to legalize marijuana is because you can't test to see if someone is under the influence at that particular time, as with alcohol. He could have smoked two days previously for all we know.

September 24, 2014 at 04:12:50 PM
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Posted By: Rogue-9 on September 24 2014 at 03:55:04 PM

Marijuana can stay in your system for weeks. There is no way they know whether he was high at the track, or even if he'd actually smoked that day.

I drive a Truck and am subject to random testing all the time.  In all my years, I have heard about levels of intoxication.  There are peramiters ? they judge you on with every test and it is done that way to avoid any "contact" or second hand smoke positives.  So in my opinion, depending on what level he tested at, it could very well have been that he was impaired.  It could mean that he smoked 4 weeks previous also.  They know what the numbers are, we can speculate all we want and may never know.

September 24, 2014 at 04:13:05 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1461

So 99.999% of humans under the influence of marijuana get mellow, relaxed and carefree.    One guy in NY goes ape shit bezerk and pot MUST be the cause,  right?     Maybe Ward Jr thought Tony was hoarding the Twinkies. 


When I first heard that the family of the victim asked that toxicology results be witheld,  I assumed it was steriods, anti-depressants or cocaine.   Has anyone seen the full toxicology report to determine what else was in his system?   


To say that reefer had even a small part in the tragedy is insane.    BTW,  it is NOT illegal everywhere.

September 24, 2014 at 04:17:59 PM
Joined: 02/11/2007
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Posted By: scottb15 on September 24 2014 at 04:12:19 PM

Impaired is impaired, doesnt mean if you did it 2days ago or 2hours ago its still in your body. People react differently to things, maybe Kevin Ward was a wild out of control person when he was stoned, we dont know. The thing I do know is that alot of people own TS apology for throwing him under the bus like they did. This case is cut and dry, he was high he was at fault. I may be cold but this kid is an idiot for driving a sprint car under the influence, they are hard enough to drive sober.

What's tested for and still in you're system isn't the thc that gets you high, but thc-cooh, which has no psychoactive effects, but stays in your body for a long period of time. The thc is gone from your system within a few hours. So, no, you would not be impaired two days later.

buzz rightrear
September 24, 2014 at 04:19:33 PM
Joined: 09/12/2008
Posts: 2511
This message was edited on September 24, 2014 at 04:23:26 PM by buzz rightrear
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Posted By: on at

oh and you don't know when the substance was ingested.

the fact that you can't admit it is not a good idea to drive and get out of your car and run down the track, not to mention doing it while impaired proves just what an idiot you are.

go worship you weed moron.

to indy and beyond!!

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