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Topic: High Time to SLOW IRL Cars Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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October 26, 2011 at 02:00:21 PM
Joined: 12/05/2004
Posts: 266

I speak after having been a racing fan of all kinds of racing for 75 years, a driver,race official, a promoter and the author of a book on the history of Kansas City auto racing called " UP ON THE Wheel". After watching the horrendous crash at Las Vegas and the death of the great IRL driver Dan Wheldon, it is high time we slow the cars down on the one and a half mile tracks. I feel they need to take away enough down force to slow the cars to 180 mph speeds. When you are traveling 220 mph you are covering more than the length of a football field per second, in other words at that speed you don't even have time to say Oh Shit !There's only time to say Shit when something bad happens on the track in front you. Someone suggested brake lights would help, but at this speed that wouldn't be a help.

There will always be high speed accidents, so we must find a way to design a tubular roll cage for IRL cars. The last 2 drivers killed in IRL racing, Paul Dana and Dan Wheldon, both went driver first into the catch fence. A roll cage would have taken the brunt of the impact instead of the driver's upper bodies.

My heart goes out to Dan's family, he was a real credit to our sport. RIP



Bet n Housen
October 26, 2011 at 04:13:24 PM
Joined: 03/24/2011
Posts: 471
Okay,here we go,my idea for an Indy car in the future,128 inch wheelbase ,2350 lbs.dry,stock block w/a belt driven fuel pump for the injection system,not to exceed 330 cid. 88 ,square inches of wing encompassing both front wings and one rear wing,eight tires for the race,only four for practice and qualifying,all the p&q tires returned to Indy car until after the race is completed,now to prove I'm an old head all cars will use a rollcage similar to the cage ran by the Wynn's Agajanian 98 years ago,I always wondered why this cage wasn't pushed more then,then we wouldn't have this situation you have today,next,get off the mechanics backs give them a free rein to design and construct whatever it takes to make that baby run within these rules,these are for Indy car racing only not the Indy 500 and all races will checker flag at 200 miles.Maybe,with the stock blocks ,less tires to buy ,shorter distance,maybe,just maybe we can bring back American companies,American drivers getting a better chance to race,and sending all the semi-F One crap back to european interests.I'm for safety 100%,just go ask any company safety guru,if safety is so important to a company,why is it done on the cheap????????

October 26, 2011 at 07:30:07 PM
Joined: 08/23/2007
Posts: 542
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Posted By: Bet n Housen on October 26 2011 at 04:13:24 PM
Okay,here we go,my idea for an Indy car in the future,128 inch wheelbase ,2350 lbs.dry,stock block w/a belt driven fuel pump for the injection system,not to exceed 330 cid. 88 ,square inches of wing encompassing both front wings and one rear wing,eight tires for the race,only four for practice and qualifying,all the p&q tires returned to Indy car until after the race is completed,now to prove I'm an old head all cars will use a rollcage similar to the cage ran by the Wynn's Agajanian 98 years ago,I always wondered why this cage wasn't pushed more then,then we wouldn't have this situation you have today,next,get off the mechanics backs give them a free rein to design and construct whatever it takes to make that baby run within these rules,these are for Indy car racing only not the Indy 500 and all races will checker flag at 200 miles.Maybe,with the stock blocks ,less tires to buy ,shorter distance,maybe,just maybe we can bring back American companies,American drivers getting a better chance to race,and sending all the semi-F One crap back to european interests.I'm for safety 100%,just go ask any company safety guru,if safety is so important to a company,why is it done on the cheap????????

Use Oswego type super mods. Maybe put ptople in the cars who are real race car drivers and get rid of the 20 rich kids.

sprint 82
October 26, 2011 at 07:57:45 PM
Joined: 12/31/2008
Posts: 551

You slow them down by keeping them on tracks like the Iowa SpeedWay.

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A Good Day At Work!

October 26, 2011 at 10:17:35 PM
Joined: 07/15/2006
Posts: 3
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Posted By: Bet n Housen on October 26 2011 at 04:13:24 PM
Okay,here we go,my idea for an Indy car in the future,128 inch wheelbase ,2350 lbs.dry,stock block w/a belt driven fuel pump for the injection system,not to exceed 330 cid. 88 ,square inches of wing encompassing both front wings and one rear wing,eight tires for the race,only four for practice and qualifying,all the p&q tires returned to Indy car until after the race is completed,now to prove I'm an old head all cars will use a rollcage similar to the cage ran by the Wynn's Agajanian 98 years ago,I always wondered why this cage wasn't pushed more then,then we wouldn't have this situation you have today,next,get off the mechanics backs give them a free rein to design and construct whatever it takes to make that baby run within these rules,these are for Indy car racing only not the Indy 500 and all races will checker flag at 200 miles.Maybe,with the stock blocks ,less tires to buy ,shorter distance,maybe,just maybe we can bring back American companies,American drivers getting a better chance to race,and sending all the semi-F One crap back to european interests.I'm for safety 100%,just go ask any company safety guru,if safety is so important to a company,why is it done on the cheap????????

My idea of an indy car.

October 26, 2011 at 11:39:36 PM
Joined: 04/24/2005
Posts: 1342
This message was edited on October 26, 2011 at 11:43:27 PM by singlefile
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Posted By: Thunderbug on October 26 2011 at 02:00:21 PM

I speak after having been a racing fan of all kinds of racing for 75 years, a driver,race official, a promoter and the author of a book on the history of Kansas City auto racing called " UP ON THE Wheel". After watching the horrendous crash at Las Vegas and the death of the great IRL driver Dan Wheldon, it is high time we slow the cars down on the one and a half mile tracks. I feel they need to take away enough down force to slow the cars to 180 mph speeds. When you are traveling 220 mph you are covering more than the length of a football field per second, in other words at that speed you don't even have time to say Oh Shit !There's only time to say Shit when something bad happens on the track in front you. Someone suggested brake lights would help, but at this speed that wouldn't be a help.

There will always be high speed accidents, so we must find a way to design a tubular roll cage for IRL cars. The last 2 drivers killed in IRL racing, Paul Dana and Dan Wheldon, both went driver first into the catch fence. A roll cage would have taken the brunt of the impact instead of the driver's upper bodies.

My heart goes out to Dan's family, he was a real credit to our sport. RIP



Paul Dana did not go cage first into the catch fence. Dana was killed when he hit Ed Carpenter many seconds after Carpenter had crashed. You might be thinking of Tony Renna. Renna was killed in a 2003 tire test at Indy. No pictures or video has ever surfaced of Renna's Indy crash, but it was apparently a horrific crash that shredded both car and driver on the catch fence.

I get the point you are making about safety, and it is a completely valid point. I don't mean to be ghoulish at all, but 180 mph is never going to fly at Indy when cars were going faster than that 40 years ago.

October 27, 2011 at 01:49:24 AM
Joined: 03/12/2011
Posts: 1667
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Posted By: Bet n Housen on October 26 2011 at 04:13:24 PM
Okay,here we go,my idea for an Indy car in the future,128 inch wheelbase ,2350 lbs.dry,stock block w/a belt driven fuel pump for the injection system,not to exceed 330 cid. 88 ,square inches of wing encompassing both front wings and one rear wing,eight tires for the race,only four for practice and qualifying,all the p&q tires returned to Indy car until after the race is completed,now to prove I'm an old head all cars will use a rollcage similar to the cage ran by the Wynn's Agajanian 98 years ago,I always wondered why this cage wasn't pushed more then,then we wouldn't have this situation you have today,next,get off the mechanics backs give them a free rein to design and construct whatever it takes to make that baby run within these rules,these are for Indy car racing only not the Indy 500 and all races will checker flag at 200 miles.Maybe,with the stock blocks ,less tires to buy ,shorter distance,maybe,just maybe we can bring back American companies,American drivers getting a better chance to race,and sending all the semi-F One crap back to european interests.I'm for safety 100%,just go ask any company safety guru,if safety is so important to a company,why is it done on the cheap????????

I say it again you can not run crate engines as every one has same HP how do you pass some one That will be taken care of next year with diff. engines available. A roll cage will not help much if cage hits fence post at 200mph. A track that allows every car to flat foot it may be part of problem, that is why the Indy cars do not run at Daytona. They did one time and driver was killed. Only way to do it is with aero changes. The paying public will not pay to see cas like they were 50 years ago. I love the champ silver crown cars, but do see 100.000 people to watch the silver crown cars today? I think a 200 mph average would be fine, but you can not use a bunch of stupid ass rules. I feel the next tragic news will come from Bristol running asphalt sprint cars. A sprint car roll cage can not hold up to a 160 mph crash.

October 27, 2011 at 11:13:12 AM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 727

The solution is simple: Do what Mario says. More power, less downforce. A device that adds drag without downforce like the hanford flap will help as well. Read and understand what Mario says...



October 27, 2011 at 12:14:02 PM
Joined: 03/22/2009
Posts: 123

You need to somehow eliminate the pack racing. The Hanford device was successful at that, but what do you do at the start of the race and restarts? Unfortunately, reducing the speeds a little is not going to stop drivers from being fatally injured. There is no way to design a mousetrap that will work in every crash scenario. It's racing, sh*t happens, and a lot of times, bad sh*t. Cages on Indy Cars? Seriously? Look what happened to Shane Hmiel at Terre Haute. How fast was he going? - way less than 180! Yes, Shane is alive, and lucky to be. Cages aren't the answer.

The one-off crashes are going to happen, because mechanical parts break. But, try to take away the human errors when the cars are in a dense pack. Remove the pack, and hopefully remove the pack crashes. But how are you going to keep a car from going airborne when it runs over a piece of debris from a one car crash? You can't design for every possible scenario. Make 'em safer, make it to where the driver HAS to lift going through the corners, and separate the cars. It's a start.

J. Blundy #33 Fan Forever
October 27, 2011 at 02:24:26 PM
Joined: 04/18/2009
Posts: 390
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Posted By: Thunderbug on October 26 2011 at 02:00:21 PM

I speak after having been a racing fan of all kinds of racing for 75 years, a driver,race official, a promoter and the author of a book on the history of Kansas City auto racing called " UP ON THE Wheel". After watching the horrendous crash at Las Vegas and the death of the great IRL driver Dan Wheldon, it is high time we slow the cars down on the one and a half mile tracks. I feel they need to take away enough down force to slow the cars to 180 mph speeds. When you are traveling 220 mph you are covering more than the length of a football field per second, in other words at that speed you don't even have time to say Oh Shit !There's only time to say Shit when something bad happens on the track in front you. Someone suggested brake lights would help, but at this speed that wouldn't be a help.

There will always be high speed accidents, so we must find a way to design a tubular roll cage for IRL cars. The last 2 drivers killed in IRL racing, Paul Dana and Dan Wheldon, both went driver first into the catch fence. A roll cage would have taken the brunt of the impact instead of the driver's upper bodies.

My heart goes out to Dan's family, he was a real credit to our sport. RIP



Greg Moore also pretty much hit the inside retaining wall top first in his unfortunate fatal crash in 1999. Another very talented driver lost way too soon.

Bet n Housen
October 28, 2011 at 08:46:47 AM
Joined: 03/24/2011
Posts: 471
I just erased over 300 more words about Indy Car,I 'm just never going again.The powers that run the circus have so much invested they can't bail out and to save face they will stay on doing what they do to emptier seats mine being among the throngs of empty ones,I just don't care anymore and they don't care either,about the fans or competitors so I will find something else to do and spend my money on and it won't be Indy car. A tradition is dying and the owners made it that way.Who won Indy? Who cares.If it wasn't for tv money they would have been done too.

October 28, 2011 at 02:54:26 PM
Joined: 04/29/2009
Posts: 221
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Posted By: maradamx3 on October 27 2011 at 12:14:02 PM

You need to somehow eliminate the pack racing. The Hanford device was successful at that, but what do you do at the start of the race and restarts? Unfortunately, reducing the speeds a little is not going to stop drivers from being fatally injured. There is no way to design a mousetrap that will work in every crash scenario. It's racing, sh*t happens, and a lot of times, bad sh*t. Cages on Indy Cars? Seriously? Look what happened to Shane Hmiel at Terre Haute. How fast was he going? - way less than 180! Yes, Shane is alive, and lucky to be. Cages aren't the answer.

The one-off crashes are going to happen, because mechanical parts break. But, try to take away the human errors when the cars are in a dense pack. Remove the pack, and hopefully remove the pack crashes. But how are you going to keep a car from going airborne when it runs over a piece of debris from a one car crash? You can't design for every possible scenario. Make 'em safer, make it to where the driver HAS to lift going through the corners, and separate the cars. It's a start.

Pack racing does need to be eliminated. Let the crews work on the engines (I believe there are finally doing that in Indy Car in 2012). Also don't let so many cars run in a race, 34 was way too many for a 1 1/2 mile track like Las Vegas. Get these cars back on superspeedways like Michigan, California, and Pocono so pack racing isn't as much of an issue. Eddie Cheever said on the broadcast you'll never design the perfect race car that keeps a driver from the possibility of death.

Sprinter 79
October 28, 2011 at 06:23:53 PM
Joined: 12/05/2010
Posts: 840
I do not understand why people get so upset over an accident that they will not go to shows if the series does not conform to their desires. Indycar racing has never been safe. I guess that brings into question how big of a fan they were to begin with. Speed kills. I guess the answer might really be that we all need to stop driving. But please, do not slow down the cars. We have enough SLOW racing with the taxi cabs that race every weekend. I am sorry, but if the IRL is supposed to be the premier racing series, they need to put the engine mechanics back to work, the chassis guys back to work, remove some of the aero and make the guys drive the damn things. Just my opinion.
Never hit stationary objects!

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