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Topic: Superior Speedway Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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May 30, 2009 at 09:27:36 AM
Joined: 12/07/2004
Posts: 32

Superior Speedway lost alot of sprint car fans last night. It rained at 6:30 for about 45 min could have got the track worked in they had three trucks out there when you have a pit area full of Sh*t stocks. Then they call the night off and say sorry no refunds have a good night. Good way to run you track into the ground dumb a**

May 30, 2009 at 09:50:26 AM
Joined: 02/23/2009
Posts: 46

I agree with you, Superior lost alot of sprint car fans not because of the rain, but their decision to not give people their money back. Not a wheel was turned, not a motor was ever started all evening, so there was not any type of show for what the fans paid to see.
According to some people working for the track, (ticket takers) we are supposed to be able to use these rain checks within

the next month, Well sorry to say this, but 99% of the fans that were there, either live too far or don't want

to use their money on fendered cars, or can't come back in Sept. they paid to watch sprint cars. As far as the track conditions, it would have taken all night to get that track back in order to run. It was 7:30 PM when they decided to call the races. They had to cancel them. But they should have given people their money back. Superior speedway lost alot of fans last night.

May 30, 2009 at 12:23:24 PM
Joined: 08/26/2007
Posts: 64
This message was edited on May 30, 2009 at 12:24:41 PM by lazlo

Same thing happened at Hartford, Mich a few years back. Rained off and on all day, sun came out. Stands not yet half full. Track looked bad, but they were trying to work it in.

They annpounced over the PA that the nights' races were canceld, due to track conditions. Hang on to your ticket stubs, etc.

We walked over to the railing, where we could see down to the front gate and they were still selling tickets!!!

This went on for a few minutes. People were buying tickets, walking a few feet and being met by people that had packed up and were leaving. NO REFUNDS!!!!

Imagine that....buying a ticket, walking about ten feet and then being told to turn around, leave, you can't come in any farther and YOU AIN"T GETTIN" YOUR MONEY BACK!!!!

Track owner was furious...he made iraprez go to the ticket booth and deal with the irate mob. iraprez told people they could send in their stubs and he'd mail them their money back. People were so furious iraprez had to wait iside the ticket booth until they could get a couple sherriffs deputies there to escort him back to the pits.

Really, at that point, what would have been he harm to give people their money back? What difference would it make? I mailed in our stubs, took a couple months to get our money back. That incident is why I was surprised Hartford had the ira back last week. That incident, among others just like it, is why I have never gone back to an ira race, and will never go to another.

May 30, 2009 at 12:53:08 PM
Joined: 12/07/2004
Posts: 32

In this case it had nothing to do with the IRA. Its the tracks policy of no refunds

May 30, 2009 at 03:01:44 PM
Joined: 06/07/2007
Posts: 196

I'm pissed too. Thanks a lot Superior! You got my family's money. $20 a head was a joke too, they are only charging $18 tonight at Rice Lake for the same show. They said to come back on a regular night and use the wristband. I think they charge $15 on a regular night, so will they give us the $5 back? I doubt it, I'm sure they will screw us out of that too.

They must have made this move because of last fall's Northern Nationals. That got rained out and fans had to send in their wristbands for a refund. Apparently they feel like they did us a favor by doing that and now we are "returning the favor" and letting them keep our money. What a bunch of jack @$$es.

Nothing to do with the IRA, it is all Superior that stiffed us. Like I'm going to drive 2+ hours to watch their weekly show of fenders. Some of us drove a lot further than I did. Of course I will come back to Superior, but I guess I will have to smuggle my food and beverage in. $4.00 for a burger? Joke.

Should be a more pleasureable show tonight at Rice Lake.

May 30, 2009 at 04:31:13 PM
Joined: 06/02/2008
Posts: 252

Yes, I was very disappointed too. Fortunately, I waited in the parking lot to see if they would race or not. I drove 163 miles one way from Minneapolis, and the two guys next to me in the parking lot were from Thunder Bay, Ontario, so there were a number of people who drove a long way. It would have been a great show if they could have gotten it in. Terry McCarl was there along with the Roth 83 (Tim Kaeding, I think) and Davey Heskin (Knoxville regular who won an IRA event last week). The track looks like a real racy one as well (I'd never been there before).

I did walk back to the pits after it was called and took a pretty close look at the track. There was standing water halfway up the track in the wheel tracks from the trucks. Don't think they could have ever gotten it worked in. I imagine they watered it down pretty well in the afternoon, and then the two rain showers took it past the point of no return.

I do think it stinks that they did not offer immediate refunds to those who wanted them. They must have known some people had come from quite a distance. I know they had expenses to cover, but you don't build a fan base by treating them badly.

May 31, 2009 at 05:33:02 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764

careful with the justified complaints folks!

or the moderator of this forum just might close the thread wink

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

May 31, 2009 at 09:56:39 AM
Joined: 12/07/2004
Posts: 32

Just got a email from the track you can use your wrist band for the race in september.

June 01, 2009 at 08:31:03 AM
Joined: 04/08/2005
Posts: 128

The Promoter at Superior is a stand up guy. He was really trying to do the right thing. For all you that don't know before that last rain the track was at least 2hr away from any sprint cars. 9:00 to 9:00 hot laps. Any way with that second little shower who knows . Believe me we wanted to race as much as anyone but with all-that water laying down low it would have taken a pretty big berm [sp] down there to keep the water off the racing surface. In my limited years of experience he made the right choice.

As for the refunds I disagree strongly with his policy of waiting or using them in Sept. One should not use other peoples money when no service is given. The IRA wanted to know why I was unhappy with this. It is simple business relations or customer service relations. They have $150 of my money and it will take a letter and 2 month to get it back.stamps and writing and registering the letter so it can be tracked so the US mail dosen't loose it and you know it gets there. A lot of hassle for the racers and fans to go through when it could have and should have been handled right there.

Joe Kouba

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