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Topic: The last Palin thing got a response, sooooo..... Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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team wright-one
September 21, 2008 at 06:22:35 PM
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Posted By: The_Truth_Detector on September 20 2008 at 04:26:42 PM
Why does Obama spend so much $$$ on ads against Palin? Because he can. The Obama campaign is a money raising machine and it will only get worse. Out today, Obama leads McCain by 6 points in the latest Gallup Poll.

some analyists speculate that obama will loose up to 70% of undecided voters when they hit the voting booths. others say that the polls are very misleading because many people tell pollsters what they believe is the politically correct responce with regards to obama instead of what they really think.

that is why obama is spending soooooo much money attacking mccain/palin. i hope he spends as much as he can. the people he is giving it to will take it just as fast as he wants to take it back from them if given the chance. the newness is wearing off of obama and the more it does, the more folks see him as the puppet he is. why do you think the DNC dropped hilary like a hot potatoe? because no matter what you say about hilary, she was not going to allow herself to be controlled. she was going to do things her and bill's way. she had power. barak on the other hand has no power. he can be controlled and he is.

September 21, 2008 at 07:15:29 PM
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Posted By: team wright-one on September 21 2008 at 05:55:56 PM

Have you checked your 401k lately?

the law that kept investment banks sepatate from commercial banks so the two could not interact and create the situation we are in now was resinded in 1999 by.........

bill clinton. keep that in mind while you are checking that 401.

dems have been in control of running the country for a few years now. keep that in mind as well.

just saying you can't blame everything on one person or one party.

Well thanks for that. I guess I'll have to reconsider voting for the self proclaimed king of deregulation even though he's a good candidate for croaking before his term ends. I'll just overlook the fact that he'd leave someone in charge that actually makes Bush look like he's got a brain. I'll also change what I thought a few means. I had it pegged for three or more, not two. Silly me, I almost forgot what I've learned over the last 8 years, that words don't really mean things. Thanks again! wink

"many people tell pollsters what they believe is the politically correct responce with regards to obama instead of what they really think."

Care to explain what the pollsters might have asked about Obama that would trigger a politically correct response so I can better ponder this theory? I think I know what you are getting at but once again I could be confused.

team wright-one
September 21, 2008 at 07:16:47 PM
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Posted By: PowerSlave on September 19 2008 at 06:08:38 PM


i would rather have that in the white house than this.....

team wright-one
September 21, 2008 at 07:48:52 PM
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Posted By: The_Truth_Detector on September 20 2008 at 06:36:03 PM

The richest man in the world (Warren Buffett) will pay more in taxes than anyone in the United States under Obama's plan and would get a huge tax cut under McCain's plan. Guess who he's supporting for president??? Here's a hint, it's not McCain/Palin.

For the "common folk" like myself, who make less than $100k a year, it is a no brainer.

One thing I can not understand is how people on this very forum have the gall to dog the World Racing Group (WoO) for the financial situation they have put themselves in with the $80,000,000 in debt and the inability to turn a profit. But yet they support the Bush administration and the person who has been in lockstep with him the whole way, after that administration has run up over $7,000,000,000,000 in debt in 7 years.

why does the richest man in the world give his money to private causes and charities and organizations rather than give it to the government who would gladly take it? the same tax brakes you say he is willing to avoid.why is he not giving to his government of his own free will? why does he wait untill the government may FORCE him as well as others to give to them? all these bleeding heart hollywood and rich lib types that say they need to be taxed more to take care of the less fortunate. the same ones that are telling us the government should be in charge of desiding what to do with our money. they are donating THEIR money to tax deductible causes NOT giving it to the government. the government will take their money anytime they wish to give more than the tax rate calls for. i do not see them lining up to contribute. warren buffet seems to think private organizations can do more good that the government because that is were he gives his money rather than give it to the government to do with what they please.

they are all just a bunch of self serving hypocrites if you ask me, which of course no one did!

September 21, 2008 at 09:06:01 PM
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Posted By: team wright-one on September 21 2008 at 07:16:47 PM

i would rather have that in the white house than this.....

Ok, that's fine. Go beyond the visual and any other of the fluff stuff and tell me why. Personally, I don't care if a candidate looks they're the result of a union between a sasquatch and a baboon. If I agree with them and their policies I'll vote for them.


September 21, 2008 at 09:09:44 PM
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Posted By: team wright-one on September 21 2008 at 07:48:52 PM

why does the richest man in the world give his money to private causes and charities and organizations rather than give it to the government who would gladly take it? the same tax brakes you say he is willing to avoid.why is he not giving to his government of his own free will? why does he wait untill the government may FORCE him as well as others to give to them? all these bleeding heart hollywood and rich lib types that say they need to be taxed more to take care of the less fortunate. the same ones that are telling us the government should be in charge of desiding what to do with our money. they are donating THEIR money to tax deductible causes NOT giving it to the government. the government will take their money anytime they wish to give more than the tax rate calls for. i do not see them lining up to contribute. warren buffet seems to think private organizations can do more good that the government because that is were he gives his money rather than give it to the government to do with what they please.

they are all just a bunch of self serving hypocrites if you ask me, which of course no one did!

George Bush #1 & #2 are sitting pretty high on the hog. How much have they given directly to the government before the taxes got it? Please stop with the artificial outrage....

September 21, 2008 at 09:26:54 PM
Joined: 02/11/2007
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Posted By: team wright-one on September 21 2008 at 07:16:47 PM

i would rather have that in the white house than this.....

OK....now I get it. You must be thinking you might get laid in the white house and you've got a thing for the Alaskan MILF.

I guess that's better the being laid by the white house... again. frown

September 21, 2008 at 09:29:54 PM
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Posted By: team wright-one on September 21 2008 at 07:16:47 PM

i would rather have that in the white house than this.....

So you want a phony Photoshop pic in the White House? The top picture in your post is a Photoshop.

September 21, 2008 at 09:29:57 PM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 3751

when will Michael Moore weigh in and rescue the Obama from the racist democrat voters who refuse to stand by their man?

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September 21, 2008 at 09:46:35 PM
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Posted By: BigRightRear on September 21 2008 at 09:29:57 PM

when will Michael Moore weigh in and rescue the Obama from the racist democrat voters who refuse to stand by their man?

About the same time pictures of you and Duane in your KKK gear get leaked out on the net.


team wright-one
September 21, 2008 at 11:59:18 PM
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Posted By: PowerSlave on September 21 2008 at 09:06:01 PM

Ok, that's fine. Go beyond the visual and any other of the fluff stuff and tell me why. Personally, I don't care if a candidate looks they're the result of a union between a sasquatch and a baboon. If I agree with them and their policies I'll vote for them.

i just used the pic of palin (sure it is phoyo shopped) because it was there already and easier. i used the michelle obama pic cause it showed how i view her, angry. i still ask the question. an angry woman who said america is a mean place that she has just become proud of or the all american girl? i never suggested physical looks at all. you are the one that made the baboon coment.

team wright-one
September 22, 2008 at 12:08:18 AM
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Posted By: The_Truth_Detector on September 21 2008 at 09:09:44 PM
George Bush #1 & #2 are sitting pretty high on the hog. How much have they given directly to the government before the taxes got it? Please stop with the artificial outrage....

they are not preaching what the others i spoke of are. sitting high on the hog is not the point. buffet and gates are sitting higher on bigger hogs. so in your view they are worse than the bush's. my point is that all these rich liberals that cry that they should be taxed more do not have to wait for the law to change. thay can give as much to the government as they want now, voluntarily, yet they don't. so please stop with the artificial stupidity. (it is artificial?)

team wright-one
September 22, 2008 at 12:23:01 AM
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This message was edited on September 22, 2008 at 03:22:53 AM by team wright-one
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Posted By: The_Truth_Detector on September 20 2008 at 07:51:25 PM

I can only think of one thing that I approve of that Bush has done, and that is the AIDS support in Africa.

I look at your racing example a little different. McCain would pay $2,000 to win and $300 to start. Obama would give the winner $1500 to win and $400 to start. The purse stays the same, but the guys with less money make a little more, thus making a bigger field of cars. Ask any team what they look at before hitting a race, the pay to win? Or the pay through the middle and to start. You may be supprised.

It is the same with the government. There is a .2% difference in the amount of funds raised by taxes between McCain and Obama.

BTW, there are only 3 or 4 sprint car teams in the world that make a profit in racing...

here is where you are wrong in your little comparison. if the race would pay exactly the same under both mccain and obama. mccain would let you keep your winnings. obama would make you and the other top finishers give part of your winnings to the rest of the field.

if it paid 1500 to winn and 400 to start obama would still make the higher earning finishers pay to the lower earning finishers.

and that is for everyone that profits down the line. if you are just an investor in the team you will pay more money on your monetary gain from any dividend. so even if you are an investor in the team that makes the least amount of money, obama will hit you twice. here is what i mean. you will have to pay capitol gains tax on the money your investment in the team earned you. (we are going to asume that the team will make money, just go with me on this) if the teams that won the most money not are forced to give any to the other teams, of which yours is one, your team will make less money. therefore less capital gains. now obama wants your team to end up with more money. that equals more capitol gains which equals more tax for you. plus obama wants to raise the capitol gains tax. that means you will pay even more tax. so how is obama only raising taxes on the ones who make the most money? the class war of only taxing others more and not you is an old democratic standard. how is that change?

September 22, 2008 at 12:27:57 AM
Joined: 12/12/2004
Posts: 1088

I think your reading too much into my statement. I could care less what any of them look like. And, I wasn't infering anyone looked like a baboon. I was just using that as an adjective.

Anyways, if you think that she's angry and your not going to vote for her husband because of that, that's fine. I could think of better reasons in my opinion but to each his own.


team wright-one
September 22, 2008 at 01:03:21 AM
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Posted By: PowerSlave on September 22 2008 at 12:27:57 AM

I think your reading too much into my statement. I could care less what any of them look like. And, I wasn't infering anyone looked like a baboon. I was just using that as an adjective.

Anyways, if you think that she's angry and your not going to vote for her husband because of that, that's fine. I could think of better reasons in my opinion but to each his own.

one of michelle and obamas close friends said no one has more influance over barak than michelle. michelle has said she would favor her own race over all others. she has said that she fears that blacks will loose their "blackness" the more they associate with the white community. she has refered to herself as being inline with separationists in regards to her feelings of race relations. now if you would not be alarmed at views like that coming from someone who could have the most influance over a possible president, no matter what race or religion or gender they are then you truely are not of the same mind set as most people i know. michelle obama is in the dark ages when it comes to race relations. she is still clinging to the points and opinions that are considered outdated by most who want to genuinely move forward. what if cindy mccain had stated the same views concerning her race? michelle thinks that blacks should try to keep separated from whites so as not to loose their black heritige. what if cindy said EXACTLY that word for word about blacks? what if cindy mccain said she felt whites lost some of their "whiteness" when associating with blacks and wondered if they gained it back after lessening their association with blacks? what if cindy said she would favor and support the white community over all others now and in the future? would that make you think about voting for her husband? so can you think of some better reasons you would like to share with me?

September 22, 2008 at 07:14:02 AM
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Posted By: team wright-one on September 22 2008 at 01:03:21 AM

one of michelle and obamas close friends said no one has more influance over barak than michelle. michelle has said she would favor her own race over all others. she has said that she fears that blacks will loose their "blackness" the more they associate with the white community. she has refered to herself as being inline with separationists in regards to her feelings of race relations. now if you would not be alarmed at views like that coming from someone who could have the most influance over a possible president, no matter what race or religion or gender they are then you truely are not of the same mind set as most people i know. michelle obama is in the dark ages when it comes to race relations. she is still clinging to the points and opinions that are considered outdated by most who want to genuinely move forward. what if cindy mccain had stated the same views concerning her race? michelle thinks that blacks should try to keep separated from whites so as not to loose their black heritige. what if cindy said EXACTLY that word for word about blacks? what if cindy mccain said she felt whites lost some of their "whiteness" when associating with blacks and wondered if they gained it back after lessening their association with blacks? what if cindy said she would favor and support the white community over all others now and in the future? would that make you think about voting for her husband? so can you think of some better reasons you would like to share with me?

I'm calling bullshit. How about a little proof.

You dog others for posting... "I heard from a reliable source that (insert drivers name here) is getting fired from the (insert car number here) car. And yet you just did the same thing.

September 22, 2008 at 07:44:17 AM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 3751

here's your proof - the BIDEN PICK!

Michelle REFUSED hillary which would have been a sure winning ticket...but the interpersonal venom got in the way of victory.

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Port 2716 ft/.51 mile T3=TBD
Grove 2792 ft/.53 mile T3=135MPH
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"I didn't move to PA from El Paso in search of better 
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September 22, 2008 at 07:55:23 AM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 3751

im not a member - but its good to know you guys are that deperate!

Lincoln 1845 ft/.35 mile T1=118MPH 
Eldora 2287 ft/.43mile T3=135MPH
Port 2716 ft/.51 mile T3=TBD
Grove 2792 ft/.53 mile T3=135MPH
Selinsgrove 2847 ft/.54 mile T1=136MPH
"I didn't move to PA from El Paso in search of better 
weather." Van May

team wright-one
September 22, 2008 at 11:40:38 AM
Joined: 11/29/2005
Posts: 1773
This message was edited on September 22, 2008 at 11:53:08 AM by team wright-one
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Posted By: The_Truth_Detector on September 22 2008 at 07:14:02 AM

I'm calling bullshit. How about a little proof.

You dog others for posting... "I heard from a reliable source that (insert drivers name here) is getting fired from the (insert car number here) car. And yet you just did the same thing.

what are you asking proof of? that michelle and barak's friend said michelle had more influance over barak than anyone else or what michelle has said about the black community? the friend was on the factor with bill last week when she made the statement. i caught it when i was flipping between bill and kieth. the statements about the black community are right from her college thesis of which the idea of blacks keeping or loosing their "blackness" when integrated with the white community was the subject. the survey for the thesis was conducted among black alumni from her college. only about 80 or so people responded out of 400 or so asked. some blacks have said the low responce was due to the survey being so rediculously biased and racist in it's views. some of her friends at college say she was overly consumed with her "blackness" to the point she found it hard to function. she herself has admitted that she felt out of place because she thought people just saw a black person when they looked at her. i couldn't make this stuff up! she believes that the black community needs to ban together and not integrate any more than they have to with the white community for fear the blacks will become less "black". i can not for the life of me remember just exactly if she found that her thesis proved or disproved her opinion. sorry about that. i guess that would be good to know lol! now with race relations being a hot button topic, it causes me some consern to have the wife of any candidate running for president express these views even if it was 20 years ago. some of the things she has said and done recently (before barak decreed that she was off limits and the campaign "reintroduced" her) have left me wondering if she has changed her views much.

ps.to my knowlage i have never dogged anyone for posting any info as being from a reliable source no matter if the out come was as posted or not. plus i never said any of this came from a reliable third party source. it is not hearsay. it came straight from me as i either heard it first hand or read it straight from her thesis.

September 22, 2008 at 01:12:47 PM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 3751



there is much discussion on this subject...all under the liberal press radar of course!

Lincoln 1845 ft/.35 mile T1=118MPH 
Eldora 2287 ft/.43mile T3=135MPH
Port 2716 ft/.51 mile T3=TBD
Grove 2792 ft/.53 mile T3=135MPH
Selinsgrove 2847 ft/.54 mile T1=136MPH
"I didn't move to PA from El Paso in search of better 
weather." Van May

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