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Topic: USAC/CRA 410 Entry Fee Confirmed By Rollie Helmling Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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Wingless A Must
January 19, 2007 at 01:41:31 PM
Joined: 01/03/2007
Posts: 30

in continuation.  Why do the people in the B-Main get paid anything?  They should get nothing, they did not make the big show and should not get rewarded for almost.  That is rediculous.  Think of the extra money that would go to the A-main winners, then maybe people could afford the $25 dollars that it cost to get in.  2nd- I dont know if teams pay for mechanics and crew members to get in but when I worked on a car 2 years ago I payed my way in and didnt expect anything else.  That would cut a lot of costs for team owners.  Last question.  WHY DOES'NT THE PAS JUST START THERE OWN 410 DIVISION? Like every other track.

January 19, 2007 at 03:11:34 PM
Joined: 12/01/2004
Posts: 1913
This message was edited on January 20, 2007 at 11:07:57 AM by KOP
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Posted By: JUSTWONDERING on January 19 2007 at 11:04:41 AM

KOP, you stated some good points,

1. Since it seems the $25 entry fee is here to stay, what can be done to limit that in future years? If what is said about the original USAC meeting is true, then maybe things that are not in writing should be ignored. Also, what is that 25 for, does it pay for something that once paid, the 25 fee will no longer be needed?

2. I'm not affiliated with any team, are you?

3. My idea about ask the boss, was directed to someone like myself that is a fan but might see an opportunity for their boss to advertise to a large crowd at an affordable rate.

4. I'm glad you caught my drift that was directed towards you, I'm puzzeled as to why your so concerned about something so far away, I'm only guessing but it seems you are not involved but pay very close attention to point out anything that could irritate the teams and fans. How about less jabs and more kudos about the advancements "for the sake of the sport " made out here in California. I'm also justwondering, do you have any ideas that might lift some of the "reported" tension? Comments and ideas suggesting the teams sit home or "don't report" are not going to go over very well with guys like Jimmy Naylor etc. that have a ton of time and money invested in maintaining a place for the sport, I doubt the fans are going to be very pleased either (unless they are miles away and would just love to hear there was turmoil under the new leadership). It seems to me that the ones most affected are the car owners, shouldn't it be them calling the track owner and letting them know in a professional manner that there are concerns and not us as fans with basicly less than 2 cents invested blasting an otherwise healthy situation?

5. Comments have been made that USAC has done nothing for the west coast (allow me to mention I'm NOT a USAC supporter) but I do recall when car counts were dwindling and races like the OVAL NAT's were basicly a SCRA race, so for that I have to give USAC credit, car counts are up, and coming to Calif. is important for the mid-west teams. Also I'm justwondering, why do the Calif guys all flock to the mid-west to run with USAC, if given time and some more positive attitudes will that trend turn around?

#1: To limit the rate of the fee would take a stand by the car owners to get rid of it or control it. If they don't, you can bet the house it is here to stay and increase as the sanctioning body sees fit to do so.

#2: No / Just have friends who are car owners, drivers, crew members and fans as well.

#3: Again, good idea on your part. But if there is no fee, those funds could go to other expenses. Imagine for a moment that you brought a box filled of cash with this so-called $42,000. Show it to the car owners at the end of the season at their last event. Put a smile on your face, say thank you, and walk away with all of it. Now, imagine your the car owner. How would you be feeling watching that box walk away while you have parts bills on your desk back at the shop? 

#4: My concern is both for my friends who are being effected and for the future of the sport in that area. There are a few owners with deep enough pockets that they will view this as a little expense to race. Just how many of them are there? Not very. One or two of those may just not like the idea based on principal also.  

Yes, I do have a few ideas (some I have shared with certain parties), but the ideas I have would take a majority group effort to become effective. No one person can change things. Restarting their own group back up again isn't the only option in my opinion, but there are some who think it is.

#5: Car counts in our sport go up and down like the stock market. The reason for the increase as of late is turmoil among the 360 groups also. Some just slap a 410 in and go that direction while some are just ready to step up and give the 410's a shot. It will decrease and then increase again. It always does.

The reason west coast drivers leave for the mid-west is simple. They want to further their career by way of NASCAR, IRL or wherever they might land as their big break. They need pavement experience for that and they won't get it on the west coast. At least not in the relm of competition they need to be in.

One things for sure, the season opener will be Feb. 3rd. Cars will race and fans will watch and discussions within the pit area will be interesting indeed!

January 19, 2007 at 05:35:56 PM
Joined: 01/02/2007
Posts: 5252
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Posted By: Wingless A Must on January 19 2007 at 01:41:31 PM

in continuation.  Why do the people in the B-Main get paid anything?  They should get nothing, they did not make the big show and should not get rewarded for almost.  That is rediculous.  Think of the extra money that would go to the A-main winners, then maybe people could afford the $25 dollars that it cost to get in.  2nd- I dont know if teams pay for mechanics and crew members to get in but when I worked on a car 2 years ago I payed my way in and didnt expect anything else.  That would cut a lot of costs for team owners.  Last question.  WHY DOES'NT THE PAS JUST START THERE OWN 410 DIVISION? Like every other track.

You are just joking,right? Tell me it's all in fun and that you really are not that.....

Half the lies they tell about me aren't true. 

January 21, 2007 at 05:09:58 PM
Joined: 08/18/2005
Posts: 22

A word about Head and Neck Restraints.


As far as I'm concerned, money isn't the issue. I asked USAC & HANS for any data that the device has been tested in a sprint car, on dirt or in an upright seated position. The answer is "there isn't any". As I understand, the 3 fatalities in sprint cars last year (2 @ Knoxville 1 at Mansfeld, OH) 2, and possibly all of them, were wearing a head and neck restraint. Bryan Clausen was wearing one the night he broke his neck and a few people think the HANS may have had something to do with it as he never turned over, just spun violently. It is NOT a magic bubble that protects drivers, yet USAC treats it as such. Containment seats have saved more people and prevented more injury than any HANS-type device ever has but they are not mandated, only HANS-type devices. I likened it to cutting the cages off and installing parachutes. If the seat doesn't hold the driver in place during an accident, what difference does it make if their neck does? USAC can't answer that one either.


I have a Lajoie seat, 4 layer custom suit, new Bell helmets and fresh seat belts after every wreck. My goal is to go to work Monday and I don't skimp on safety. If I thought the HANS was the difference, I would have worn one all along.


The new rules, along with a few other factors, is why as of now I don't plan to run USAC this year. It's their club, they can make whatever rule they want and it's my choice not to participate.


The vast majority of sprint car accidents are not sudden, head on, 1 hit deceleration events. The HANS and similar devices only work in that type of accident. After the first hit, the belts loosen and more than one guy has complained that the belts slipped off their shoulders/HANS after stretching. I'm not saying they don't help, I'm saying it's a guess at this point and I don't feel comfortable participating in the R&D program.




Bruce St. James


January 21, 2007 at 06:43:36 PM
Joined: 11/07/2006
Posts: 136


Take this as you may. why would you say that the owners put nothing in to racing . IMO the way I see it they bring there cars to the track to race this cost money. Alot of team owners pay for there crew to get in they pay for fuel, tires and spare parts if they need . They pay to get there rigs to the track (Gas , Diesel ) . Most of the big dollar teams may be able to afford the extra cost but what about the low dollar teams ?? We are not Nascar we dont have million dollar sponsors.

They say that the 25.00 Dollar entry fee is to help pay for someone to run the radios and the transponder unit. Let me ask this how hard is it to push a damn button to tell the 50 car to get behind the 3 car ?? do you need a degree to operate a radio ?? As for the transponder unit dont know to much about them . But common sense would say that they are ran buy some kind of computer. If so how many people would it take to operate the computer.IMO I think this is just one more way for USAC to control Sprint car racing. One more thing how are the radios going to take the place of bad officiating ??


February 06, 2007 at 12:10:11 PM
Joined: 12/05/2004
Posts: 153

I had on a neck restraint in a bad one at Knoxville and I still feel it did more harm than good. I felt it jammed my body (as I hit upside down) down and my head and neck didn't give any. It felt like it tried to put everything inside the helmet. One guy told me latter that it might of been worse if I hadn't of had it on and he might be right, but I feel otherwise. Just like bruce923's concern, I am not into the R&D program either.

Sprint Cars Do It On Dirt!

February 06, 2007 at 11:10:10 PM
Joined: 02/27/2005
Posts: 21
Reply to:
Posted By: Wingless A Must on January 16 2007 at 06:39:22 PM

Cry, Cry, Cry,

Why is it that everyone wants to cry about changes that people asked for.  I vividly remember everyone crying when Mike Spencer beat Tony Jones because of a mis placement call. (Hence the one way radios).  I was very surprised when I found out that teams did not have to pay a fee to race, whether it goes to points fund or for a better ran organization.  The HANS device changes is to save lives and injuries, DUHHHH!  That is a great idea.  Remeber this is not NASCAR or IRL or F1 who have the big bucks, this is sprint car racing!!!!  If you dont like the raise of costs then you can always be a sponsor, so that drivers don't have to pay entry fees.  Last I checked, racing is not cheap and if you can afford a $30,000 car, a $40,000 rig and trailer, $2,500 in extra parts, then why not pay an extra $1300 to make a change for the better of the sport..

usac made a good decision to help the safety of the driver by requiring a head and neck restraint. then they made a weight rule reduction, which means lighter and faster. lighter equals more dangerous. lighter chassis.

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