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August 27, 2019 at 04:36:31 PM
Joined: 03/22/2008
Posts: 2460
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Posted By: longtimefan on August 27 2019 at 08:06:22 AM

Damned Allstars, now Strawser is not going to Port Royal next week all because of them.

LOL Yeah it looks like the all-stars lost all of 2 fans(W2 and Strawser). I'm gonna take a wild guess and predict that Port Royal will still be packed for the 50 and the fans in attendance will enjoy a great show. 


August 27, 2019 at 04:45:00 PM
Joined: 03/22/2008
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Posted By: hardon on August 26 2019 at 11:05:24 PM

I wasn't there, I didn't see it online and I have to be honest, I didn't read all the replies.  But from what I'm reading people think it's a stupid rule or was no big deal.  But a rule is a rule, I don't care how you slice it.  If they were told they could not leave that area and they did, whether it's a big deal or not, it's still breaking the rules.  If a person on house arrest decides to run to Wal mart quick, is it a big deal?  No, I don't think anyone thinks going to Wal Mart is a big deal but if you're on house arrest, it could land you in jail, it doesn't matter what your intent was or how big of a deal it is, the rule is you can't leave a certain area.  Also for the people blaming the track for not fully explaining the rule and the ramifications, why didn't those drivers and teams ask more questions if they didn't understand?

Well it seems kind of silly to have crew members in house arrest to begin with, and the driver who has no control over the where abouts of his crew members gets DQ'd over it? It's in the very least overkill on the punishment and in most peoples opinions a silly rule to begin with. Life goes on however, lessons are learned(hopefully) and rational people will get over it. In fact I'm over it already! 


August 27, 2019 at 05:17:47 PM
Joined: 06/04/2012
Posts: 1754
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Posted By: W2Motorsports on August 27 2019 at 03:18:11 PM

I'm going to be so excited to post here on September 7th to let you know what I'm doing that day. Who knows what I'll do, maybe I'll go to another state, or country on a trip, or maybe to a new track I've never been to. Maybe I will sneak onto Tony's property in Indiana and go fishing. One thing I can absolutely assure you of though, is that I won't be at Port Royal - I've already written that one off, and donated my ticket money to Wounded Warrior Project as you've probably seen since you are bitching about me posting on social media. If some changes are made and the BS rule is axed we will see for future races - I'd love to support Hagerstown's event. One thing is for sure I love Sprint Car racing, I go to 70+ races per year, but it isn't my only interest in life. 

They already said yesterday that it had been addressed and changes will be made. Yet today you are still complaining. Almost everyone in the Sprint car world has moved on. Tony is calling the the drivers and explained the reason for why there is a coned area & it was because of the track being concerned about an area. Everything makes perfect logical sense.

World doesn't revolve around you. Go get some cookies & ice cream, watch a good sad movie tonight, have a good cry over your break up, and move on like the rest of the population

August 27, 2019 at 07:07:42 PM
Joined: 03/02/2017
Posts: 292
This message was edited on August 27, 2019 at 07:20:48 PM by W2Motorsports
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Posted By: Nick14 on August 27 2019 at 05:17:47 PM

They already said yesterday that it had been addressed and changes will be made. Yet today you are still complaining. Almost everyone in the Sprint car world has moved on. Tony is calling the the drivers and explained the reason for why there is a coned area & it was because of the track being concerned about an area. Everything makes perfect logical sense.

World doesn't revolve around you. Go get some cookies & ice cream, watch a good sad movie tonight, have a good cry over your break up, and move on like the rest of the population

In another post near the top of the forum people are talking about an all start race that occured in Iowa about a month ago, I hardly think something that occured less than 48 hours ago is somehow irrlevant and not able to be discussed any longer. In addition the topic keeps being posted in by people who agree, disagree and are indifferent toward the decision. 

Also, I never said the world revolved around me, anytime someone is upset about something and posts a negative review of a product, etc. does that mean the world revolves around them? Nope it does not. It means they paid for something, didn't get what they were expecting and wanted to voice their displeasure about that. Since the ASCOC isn't on Yelp here I am. 


I'm pissed off, it's as simple as that. I've spent years promoting and spending/volunteering my time in both paid and unpaid positions within racing. I've had to deal with drivers being illegal, arguing, threatening me, and even fighting with each other on the front stretch at races I've been responsible for. Out of all that I've never been more pissed off at a race event than I was the other day. As others have said - it was unfair, and it was a mistake, and until something is actually done to correct it then nothing has changed. 

For the most part I've tried to be respectful on here, when people have been snarky, I've been snarky back but otherwise I think I've done my best to make my point in a somewhat well stated manner and explain my issue, and what I personally am going to do about it. Everyone has their own free will, if another driver or fan boycotts the race because of what happened that is their right and their decision. I've said I won't be at Port Royal, and I won't be - I've already made other plans. If the rule is done away with, or put in the hands of the track then I'll drop it and move on. In the grand scheme of things I don't make any difference, $35+Whatever a senior ticket costs for my grandfather (who was just as pissed off as me, and even more stubborn) isn't going to make or break the ASCOC or Port. If its just me and BStrawser that skip the 50 then they will be absolutely fine. From there on if the rule is changed and we are assured it will never happen again I'll go to some of their shows this year. If not, then I won't go and if the track was teetering on the brink to the point where my $20 makes a remote difference they can invoice me and I'll square up next time I'm at a regular show. 

From my perspective I'm here on this discussion forum discussing this issue with all of you who disagree with me which is the entire idea behind a discussion forum. So I don't see the problem. 


August 27, 2019 at 07:26:04 PM
Joined: 05/03/2007
Posts: 1619

But you're not discussing, you've repeatedly made clear that your opinion is the correct one and that's the end of the conversation. Even in this post, you comment that it was unfair, mistake, etc. 

The rule was clearly in place and it was followed by the series. Smoke is dead on in his quotes in the article that was posted a few posts prior to yours - when you start picking and choosing when to enforce stuff, you have a bigger issue. You can disagree with the intent of the rule all you want, but it existed when you purchased your ticket. Do you have a right to get mad when it's enforced? I suppose so, thought it seems a bit immature. The stuff on getting screwed and just refusing to accept any explanation outside of what you've constructed in your head is I think the issue most have. 

August 27, 2019 at 07:41:45 PM
Joined: 03/02/2017
Posts: 292
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Posted By: SprintFan16 on August 27 2019 at 07:26:04 PM

But you're not discussing, you've repeatedly made clear that your opinion is the correct one and that's the end of the conversation. Even in this post, you comment that it was unfair, mistake, etc. 

The rule was clearly in place and it was followed by the series. Smoke is dead on in his quotes in the article that was posted a few posts prior to yours - when you start picking and choosing when to enforce stuff, you have a bigger issue. You can disagree with the intent of the rule all you want, but it existed when you purchased your ticket. Do you have a right to get mad when it's enforced? I suppose so, thought it seems a bit immature. The stuff on getting screwed and just refusing to accept any explanation outside of what you've constructed in your head is I think the issue most have. 

“We aren’t going to let it happen again. It’s not fair to the drivers, it’s not fair to the teams, and it’s damn sure not fair to the fans.” - Tony Stewart

"So Im sure when Tony talks to the teams and, he will, it will be mended.  And youll see these teams at All Star races.  Wonder if some of these fans will do the same?  Or are these fans perfect and have never made mistakes?" - MandGRacing96

"You have every right to feel the way you do......and deep down inside I admire you for your convictions. I on the other hand have been going to races in Central Pa for over 35 years. I have seen a lot (including the time Steve Kinser was sent to the rear at Williams Grove when apparently someone, not associated with his team, was mistaken as a crew member by the officials under a red)......mistakes happen.....Despite two of my favorites ( DD & Dewease) getting the boot, I still feel like I got my monies worth for a few hours of entertainment on a beautiful night, plus that and the fact I live 85 miles from the track. I would hate to see BAPS suffer after Scott has put so much time, effort and money into reviving the old joint. I want all of our Central Pa tracks to be successful and just hope the affected drivers and the fans put this incident behind and continue to support the sport we all love...... As far as I could tell, the sun did rise this morning and there will be more sprint car races for us to enjoy this weekend" - bgtexpress

August 27, 2019 at 08:01:56 PM
Joined: 05/03/2007
Posts: 1619

So again, another post refusing to acknowledge the rule that is written in the rule book was followed. Got it.

You're arguing against black and white. I don't understand it.

August 27, 2019 at 08:06:01 PM
Joined: 03/02/2017
Posts: 292
This message was edited on August 27, 2019 at 08:07:37 PM by W2Motorsports
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Posted By: SprintFan16 on August 27 2019 at 07:26:04 PM

But you're not discussing, you've repeatedly made clear that your opinion is the correct one and that's the end of the conversation. Even in this post, you comment that it was unfair, mistake, etc. 

The rule was clearly in place and it was followed by the series. Smoke is dead on in his quotes in the article that was posted a few posts prior to yours - when you start picking and choosing when to enforce stuff, you have a bigger issue. You can disagree with the intent of the rule all you want, but it existed when you purchased your ticket. Do you have a right to get mad when it's enforced? I suppose so, thought it seems a bit immature. The stuff on getting screwed and just refusing to accept any explanation outside of what you've constructed in your head is I think the issue most have. 

Okay, I'll compromise and start putting "IMO" at the start of my posts. I had assumed that it was understood that my posts represent my opinion.


If being upset over the way the situation was handled Sunday is immature then you should be lecturing the hundereds of people who were and are still complaining about it on Facebook, and Twitter as well. Considering what caused the DQs had nothing to do with what was going on on the track in front of us, was not clearly explained according to a hall of fame driver and on top of that does not make any logical sense from a safety standpoint or otherwise, at least in reference to how it was applied at BAPS. I'm sure that all the fans that left early felt robbed which prompted the walkout and I'm sure there is nothing that will change that. However a change to ensure this never occurs again will make me, and I'm sure many others feel better. When that happens I'll be over it. At this point nothing has changes, I do believe Smoke is a good guy, and I do believe he will make things right. Once that happens I'll be good to go. But either way my unhappiness means very little in the grand scheme of things to Tony Stewart or anyone else who can have an effect on the situation. 

August 27, 2019 at 08:18:01 PM
Joined: 03/02/2017
Posts: 292
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Posted By: SprintFan16 on August 27 2019 at 08:01:56 PM

So again, another post refusing to acknowledge the rule that is written in the rule book was followed. Got it.

You're arguing against black and white. I don't understand it.


It does take time to respond to your posts, there was only a few minutes between both of my posts. The rule was not clearly explained, according to DD and LD and Ryan Smith, and obviously Macri and Gee's teams didn't clearly understand it either. I'm sorry but these guys are some of the best in the country and in the case of LD the history of sprint car racing. They are smart enough to understand something if it is clearly explained. It was also not applied consistently according to multiple people and drivers who have pointed out that other team members were not inside the box but were not DQed and on top of that its also fair to assume that the rule hadn't been enforced since the race in Illinois where Larson got DQed considering several drivers have mentioned people being all over the infield at Grandview and that wasn't a problem, not to mention nothing has occured since Joliet. If I had thought there was a reasonable change the ASCOC would disqualify four of the best PA cars from the top 10 for something that is irrelevant to the race I wouldn't have gone to the race on Sunday, or Friday or Saturday before that, and its also why I don't want to go again until this rule is gone. If there is a good chance of that occuring that isn't a risk I want to invest my money, or time into taking. 

August 27, 2019 at 08:40:20 PM
Joined: 09/12/2013
Posts: 2698
This message was edited on August 27, 2019 at 08:49:58 PM by BStrawser26
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Posted By: HoldenCaulfield on August 27 2019 at 04:36:31 PM

LOL Yeah it looks like the all-stars lost all of 2 fans(W2 and Strawser). I'm gonna take a wild guess and predict that Port Royal will still be packed for the 50 and the fans in attendance will enjoy a great show. 

The Allstars have no bearing on me not ever going to the slow palace.  Yeah at Port you will see a lot of pavement shows over the next couple of weekends....and that equals no fun racing or Napcar.

Tony even thinks it is a dumb rule.  Tony will have to do a lot of butt kissing so the drivers come to his shows.  I think for the fans I saw leaving it is way too late for that and I don't blame the fans either.

Let's go Sprint Car Racing!

Knoxville - Best Track In the USA!
Eldora - 2nd Best Track in the USA!

August 27, 2019 at 11:42:17 PM
Joined: 09/14/2010
Posts: 7664
This message was edited on August 28, 2019 at 04:10:27 PM by revjimk
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Posted By: saphead on August 27 2019 at 07:03:09 AM

I'm proud of the Posse fans, they were so dissapointed in their own local teams blatant cheating that they all got up and walked out with their heads down. 

I always knew they had integrity. 



"blatant cheating"??? I don't think the crews gained any advantage, nor were they trying to. They screwed up on a technicality

Lots of people are bashing W2, but if I had driven 5 hrs. for this show (which is what it takes me) & they DQed all these guys, I would have been VERY pissed. Don't know if i would have left or decided to boycott, but i would have felt like my time had been wasted. I'm sure the drivers & teams were pissed, & track owners too

Sure they broke a rule, but the punishment hurt EVERYBODY... maybe they should have been moved to the back, or even given a monetary fine, but DQed???? Allstars cut off their nose to spite their face

No harm, no foul

Any penalties for my last 2 cliches? wink

August 28, 2019 at 04:53:39 AM
Joined: 09/12/2013
Posts: 2698
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Posted By: revjimk on August 27 2019 at 11:42:17 PM

"blatant cheating"??? I don't think the crews gained any advantage, nor were they trying to. They screwed up on a technicality

Lots of people are bashing W2, but if I had driven 5 hrs. for this show (which is what it takes me) & they DQed all these guys, I would have been VERY pissed. Don't know if i would have left or decided to boycott, but i would have felt like my time had been wasted. I'm sure the drivers & teams were pissed, & track owners too

Sure they broke a rule, but the punishment hurt EVERYBODY... maybe they should have been moved to the back, or even given a monetary fine, but DQed???? Allstars cut off their nose to spite their face

No harm, no foul

Any penalties for my last 2 cliches? wink

I agree.  Dumbest rule I have ever seen!

Let's go Sprint Car Racing!

Knoxville - Best Track In the USA!
Eldora - 2nd Best Track in the USA!

August 28, 2019 at 05:15:36 AM
Joined: 01/18/2017
Posts: 59
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Posted By: MandGRacing96 on August 27 2019 at 02:47:01 PM

I see yalls point on this...it sucked.  But if they do make it right, I see no reason to boycott.  I also stand by my statement if this was at Williams Grove and they dqd Reutzel, Blaney, Eliason and Gee they would have been cheering.  Just as if it was a Outlaw show and if they Dqd Schatz.  People feel indignation when it benefits them(not saying you are doing that) but alot of people do.

As a sprint car fan that enjoys rooting for the locals, I would not be cheering.  The whole point of the rivalry is to be able to race and hopefully beat the best of the traveling teams.  If you DQ the above you have just a local show. 

August 28, 2019 at 09:16:55 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943
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Posted By: revjimk on August 27 2019 at 11:42:17 PM

"blatant cheating"??? I don't think the crews gained any advantage, nor were they trying to. They screwed up on a technicality

Lots of people are bashing W2, but if I had driven 5 hrs. for this show (which is what it takes me) & they DQed all these guys, I would have been VERY pissed. Don't know if i would have left or decided to boycott, but i would have felt like my time had been wasted. I'm sure the drivers & teams were pissed, & track owners too

Sure they broke a rule, but the punishment hurt EVERYBODY... maybe they should have been moved to the back, or even given a monetary fine, but DQed???? Allstars cut off their nose to spite their face

No harm, no foul

Any penalties for my last 2 cliches? wink

To all of you 'upset' with sapheads post, get real...................Almost every single post he has ever made is a tongue in cheek laugher.  Shirley and I mean that, you folks have read enough of them, get with the program please.  Either be on the bus or be under it, okay???

August 28, 2019 at 10:20:57 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943

Most people are bashing W2 because of his constant Whining on the subject.  You made your point about 30 posts ago, now move on, get over it and enjoy life, if you can.  I'm guessing you're the type of guy who finds problems with far too many things in life.  My job in this sport for many years was to take photos, sell them and write stories.  I once drove from Owosso, MI to Evansville, IN (Haubstadt) 461 miles, only to have one cloud come over and rain out the race 15 minutes after I got there.  I then turned around and drove 461 miles home.  There are some things you can't control in life and weather is one of them, so are silly rules that you don't know about.  There is a change coming, Tony has already said that, now get on with life, it's missing you....

August 28, 2019 at 10:51:19 AM
Joined: 03/02/2017
Posts: 292
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Posted By: MSPN on August 28 2019 at 10:20:57 AM

Most people are bashing W2 because of his constant Whining on the subject.  You made your point about 30 posts ago, now move on, get over it and enjoy life, if you can.  I'm guessing you're the type of guy who finds problems with far too many things in life.  My job in this sport for many years was to take photos, sell them and write stories.  I once drove from Owosso, MI to Evansville, IN (Haubstadt) 461 miles, only to have one cloud come over and rain out the race 15 minutes after I got there.  I then turned around and drove 461 miles home.  There are some things you can't control in life and weather is one of them, so are silly rules that you don't know about.  There is a change coming, Tony has already said that, now get on with life, it's missing you....

I'm responding to people who are replying to my posts, as long as people keep quoting my posts or mentioning me in this case I would think it should be expected that I'll respond to that. I've stopped creating new posts about it on facebook, or twitter, or really have stopped posting about it anywhere but in this thread. Good news though, in about five hours I'll be in a plane over the Atlantic ocean so won't have many chances to post from that point on. I do understand your point about the weather and I'm sure we've all experienced that, however like you said nothing can be done about the weather. Silly rules on the other hand. If Tony fixes it I'll be happy and that will be that. 

August 28, 2019 at 11:10:35 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943

Nice response, it appears you are over it and heading on with life, cheers!  What part of England are you from?  Just a guess, lol...

August 28, 2019 at 11:22:39 AM
Joined: 03/02/2017
Posts: 292
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Posted By: MSPN on August 28 2019 at 11:10:35 AM

Nice response, it appears you are over it and heading on with life, cheers!  What part of England are you from?  Just a guess, lol...

I'm from the "New" part of England (Maine) origionally - I've never done an ancestry test or whatever to learn more than just that my ancestors are from England (obviously lol). Looking forward to my first trip to London and now Scotland as well - and I'm even supporting a race track. Silverstone for the World Endurance Championship which should be pretty different. 

August 28, 2019 at 12:00:39 PM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943
This message was edited on August 28, 2019 at 12:09:30 PM by MSPN

If you are interested I have a pretty good friend who is a photographer/write of motorsports and lives in London.  If you want to talk with somebody who has been all over the USA as a fan and shooter and knows all about the English racing scene (modifieds, they don't have sprints, but they do have a wing on them, lol).  Heck, I have a photo friend and writer of Motorsports in Holland as well, and a good connection in New Zealand and many more in Australia if you head there.  Let me know and I will hook you up....

I just looked at his FB page and they have a race outside of London somewhere this Saturday with 79 winged stock cars entered, might be something to see....

August 28, 2019 at 12:18:11 PM
Joined: 08/13/2005
Posts: 98
This message was edited on August 28, 2019 at 12:20:59 PM by amyjur

There are few points here that if you haven't been following the entire situation are easy to overlook. When the Allstars were here in late April there was no such rule. This rule didn't go in effect until late June and I say go into effect loosely. This was race 4 of a 4 race weekend and in the other 3 races this rule was never mentioned. In those first 3 races, this rule wasn't being followed or in any way enforced. If it was going to be in place and enforced anywhere it should have been Grandview but it wasn't. Forward to race 4 and in the driver's meeting the existence of this rule and the fact that this rule is now going to be followed to the letter is touched upon but only lightly. A complete explanation of the rule and the penalty for violating it is never mentioned. Why it was put in place that night is unclear. There has been mention of safety but it should be noted the entire infield is and has always been open to anyone purchasing a pit pass. In fact, on that night the teams were all thoughout the infield with no restrictions during time trials. Bottom line, there was an unnecessary new rule that served no legitimate purpose now being enforced when it had never been enforced in PA before and the fact that it was being enforced was never really clear. As a fan, you feel like you got snookered on a technicality that none of these teams saw coming. BTW, if it had happened to more Allstar teams, I'm still unhappy.  Now it's time to move on. Everyone has to learn to do better from this. 

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