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Topic: Rubber Down Track Question Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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August 01, 2017 at 09:43:20 AM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1028
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Posted By: on at

Those that know me realize that there was some sarcasm intended with my statement to remove the wings but you are not gifted enough to pick up on that, kinda like Jeff Dunhum's Walter, you know, Sheeeee, went right over his head.  I enjoy both wing and non wing and actually have many years of experience as a crewman for a well know, former full time driver on both the ASCS and WOO.  I never said that taking the wing off would elliminate the rubber down conditions, only that the non wing cars are not as likely to create that condition.  Downforce, where the rubber meets the track is what causes rubberdown.  Less downforce less rubberdown, get it?  Common sense 101.

August 01, 2017 at 09:58:30 AM
Joined: 08/05/2010
Posts: 617
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Posted By: cheroger on July 31 2017 at 09:36:13 AM

Easy fix.  Get rid of that wing on top.


The same track that is destined to rubber down with a wing is the same track that will produce a single file parade around the bottom without a wing. 

August 01, 2017 at 10:00:52 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943


August 01, 2017 at 10:04:35 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943

Roger does have a massive intellect when compared with you Ford and most of us in this forum.  He's done more things, been more places than you could ever hope for.  Hell, back in the day he would have likely kicked your butt all over the place because I'm guessing the only thing tough about you is your mouth.  You've picked out the wrong guy to bully, you could only wish to have the success in life this man has achieved....

August 01, 2017 at 10:35:13 AM
Joined: 11/30/2004
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Posted By: MSPN on August 01 2017 at 10:04:35 AM

Roger does have a massive intellect when compared with you Ford and most of us in this forum.  He's done more things, been more places than you could ever hope for.  Hell, back in the day he would have likely kicked your butt all over the place because I'm guessing the only thing tough about you is your mouth.  You've picked out the wrong guy to bully, you could only wish to have the success in life this man has achieved....

Dang Mike, thanks for the kind words.  Some people just don't get, do they?  I sure miss the days of meeting up with you at different tracks all over the country.  These days about the only races I go to are the ones Danny Wood runs and that has not been very many lately, although next year he plans to run more.  I'm not a lot of help to him anymore but I'm one of his biggest fans.  Take care and if you decide to make the Chili Bowl anytime, you have a place to stay and the wife still cooks. Take it easy.

August 01, 2017 at 12:26:01 PM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943

Ditto Roger, been too long my friend.  I would like to see you compare resumes with this clown now that would be fun, lol.  He's anti-Posse which is nice but he is anti most every other thing as well.  Typical tough guy on the keyboard, hiding behind a pretty dumb alias to boot.  At this point I'd like to think you are staying closer to home these days, you've had your days away from home, hope to take you up on the Wife's cooking but it's a one in a million shot, all the best and you Take It Easy....

August 01, 2017 at 01:09:00 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1028
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Posted By: MSPN on August 01 2017 at 12:26:01 PM

Ditto Roger, been too long my friend.  I would like to see you compare resumes with this clown now that would be fun, lol.  He's anti-Posse which is nice but he is anti most every other thing as well.  Typical tough guy on the keyboard, hiding behind a pretty dumb alias to boot.  At this point I'd like to think you are staying closer to home these days, you've had your days away from home, hope to take you up on the Wife's cooking but it's a one in a million shot, all the best and you Take It Easy....

Actually I'm not staying closer to home these days.  I've tried to retire but that doesn't work for me.  In the past few months, my part time Inspection job has taken me to Queretaro, Mexico, Houston and Mineral Wells Tx and presently in Little Rock Arkansas.  I just can't seem to say no when it comes to money.  I've resolved to the notion that some people work to live, but I live to work.  I wonder does Ford 97 even know the meaning of the word Resume?  He most likely thinks it means to return to whatever he was doing, maybe like bashing those on Hoseheads.

August 01, 2017 at 02:14:53 PM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943

Hey filthy, even a moron knows that a non-wing car does less to a racetrack than a winged car, tell me you're really not that dumb, truly.  You are just anti non-winged which makes sense because you certainly aren't smart enough to know that they produce 5 times the show of 99% of most Outlaws.  They aren't great at Knoxville or most half miles but they are magic on a 3/8 or smaller and a challenged racefan of which you are obviously such, knows this.  The fact he was being facetious with you is lost due to the lack of grey matter you obviously don't possess, go back to being ignorant on your free time, it's the only thing you seem to excel at....

Johnny Utah
August 01, 2017 at 03:47:33 PM
Joined: 07/15/2014
Posts: 1234

Ford, your posts crack me up. No fucking around... straight to the point.


Resume means to pick up and begin again after an interruption of indeterminate length.

Résumé is a list or description of relevant job experience and/or education.

Walter doesn't do the "Nyerrm" over the head thing, Peanut does. I spent plenty of hungover Sunday afternoon on the couch too lazy to change the channel from Jeff Dunham on Comedy Central.... I will now stab myself in the ears with an awl as penance.

Carry on.


August 01, 2017 at 04:03:23 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1028
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Posted By: Johnny Utah on August 01 2017 at 03:47:33 PM

Ford, your posts crack me up. No fucking around... straight to the point.


Resume means to pick up and begin again after an interruption of indeterminate length.

Résumé is a list or description of relevant job experience and/or education.

Walter doesn't do the "Nyerrm" over the head thing, Peanut does. I spent plenty of hungover Sunday afternoon on the couch too lazy to change the channel from Jeff Dunham on Comedy Central.... I will now stab myself in the ears with an awl as penance.

Carry on.


Johnny, I stand corrected, it is peanut. 

Johnny Utah
August 01, 2017 at 04:54:06 PM
Joined: 07/15/2014
Posts: 1234
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Posted By: cheroger on August 01 2017 at 04:03:23 PM

Johnny, I stand corrected, it is peanut. 

It's cool, Rog, I was just trying to help you out.

August 01, 2017 at 11:04:42 PM
Joined: 09/14/2010
Posts: 7663

Can we get back to track condidtions & cut out the "nanny nanny nanas"?

August 02, 2017 at 08:42:48 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943

Hey numbnuts I use my real name and have in this forum for over 20 years, I am not a coward hiding behind a stupid made up one.  Rubber down racing is much more a reflection of the track than whether or not the car has wings, shirley you should know that.  Jealousy ain't gonna help a moron like yourself, more of a reason to hide in the basement with an alias pretending to be Mr. Tough Guy.  I did well over a hundred shows at Knoxville and was set-up at my booth for virtually all of them, did you show your lame, scared ass up and have a word or two with me, of course not.  The same thing happened in PA for years, talk is tough but reality is a whole different story, isn't it, lol.....

August 02, 2017 at 08:49:59 AM
Joined: 05/03/2007
Posts: 1617

I'm far from an expert, but wouldn't the added wheelspin on the wingless cars from lack of downforce negate any benefits the lost downforce in terms of laying rubber? Also, do the non-wingers typically run a harder or softer tire than the winged cars? I'd think that would have way more to do with laying rubber than downforce.

August 02, 2017 at 09:04:09 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943

I used to get pissed off with idiots that made up shit and the like and back in those days I was still scrapping way more than I should of but hey I'm an old hockey player and I'll never learn.  The Shirley is in reference to the fact I think you're a sissy, how hard does it have to snow for you to catch the drift, really?  Again, Rog was right but have no clue, a non-wing car will always do less damage to a track than a winged one, when are you going to figure that out.  Nice try trying to flip things, then making up shit, the move of a desperate person who is being made look like a fool, which sad for you dum dum is this case right here.  Isn't it about time to own up who you are or are you really that much of a chicken shit, I promise not to drive down from Canada and spank you but there may be others who think you're fairly useless and for them I can't speak, lol.....

August 02, 2017 at 09:55:10 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943

I not only believe it I prove it with every post thank you.  Now about coming out of the closet, you still a fraidy cat?  Too close to the Nationals for you, lol.  His post was accurate and you still won't discuss that fact because you don't know shit from sawdust.  I think I've made enough points here showing the fool you truly are but I enjoy it soooo much.  Anytime you want to get serious and have some credibility you can put your name to your garbage, that may get you an ounce of respect, not likely anymore but it would be a start, wouldn't you agree....Too oldtime hockey fans, this is Dave Schultz vs. Dale Rolfe and I'm sorry Dale it sucks to be you....

August 02, 2017 at 10:41:41 AM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943

Weak, weaker, weakest sums up your latest embarassment or avoiding the questions.  I have forgot more about most things in this world than you will ever know but you can make it all up because that's who you are, lol.  Do you have any idea how many people over a dozen years going coast to coast selling photos I met and yet we shook hands once so I should remember, yeah right.  Do me a favor, refresh my memory, hell do it in an email and it will remain anonymous but don't be too sad if I don't remember, lol.  Do you know what the call the last draft pick in the NFL Draft, that's who you are.....

August 02, 2017 at 11:08:22 AM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 3751

and people said this webpage was dead...

Lincoln 1845 ft/.35 mile T1=118MPH 
Eldora 2287 ft/.43mile T3=135MPH
Port 2716 ft/.51 mile T3=TBD
Grove 2792 ft/.53 mile T3=135MPH
Selinsgrove 2847 ft/.54 mile T1=136MPH
"I didn't move to PA from El Paso in search of better 
weather." Van May

August 02, 2017 at 12:23:54 PM
Joined: 11/23/2004
Posts: 3943

Pretty much Mark, hell this guy hits on the Posse more than I ever did but he has this thing for Me and Brad Brown also.  That keeps his tiny brain active it would appear.  Hell, I think he's maybe a photographer that didn't make it back in the day when we used negatives and had to be for real, who knows.  He is upset that I forgot who he really is, I mean we did shake hands one time, lol.  Dude, I have memories and most of them are all good, it's sad that you on the other hand are bitter and disappointed and jealous of IBRACN, myself and a few others from this forum who actually did something and know a few people in this sport. 

Mark, are you going out to Knoxville this year?   Did any of you guys hit the Royal?  I remember the years of you and your Dad camping on RudeDog's lawn with all the crazies from SD and points unknown, whew, those were the days.....

August 02, 2017 at 03:26:51 PM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 3751

I can't tell you how little I give a shit about both of ya...and I don't ever racall making one comment for or against IBRacn...so that makes 3 nothings in my book.

You have a habit of claiming foggy memory, so maybe you should look at Ford97 signature line and leave me out of the IBRumor mill?

But if my memeory serves, Old Ford97 did pay me a compliment when I posted  the 93 on the WoO tour "runs several grooves simultaneously" after  Schatz gave him a shot of reality a few weeks ago...or maybe that was another corn fed fan...

My road trips are for other interests...I see enough dirt 410 racing close home.

Lincoln 1845 ft/.35 mile T1=118MPH 
Eldora 2287 ft/.43mile T3=135MPH
Port 2716 ft/.51 mile T3=TBD
Grove 2792 ft/.53 mile T3=135MPH
Selinsgrove 2847 ft/.54 mile T1=136MPH
"I didn't move to PA from El Paso in search of better 
weather." Van May

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