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Topic: No WoO at badlands Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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August 10, 2016 at 05:19:20 PM
Joined: 02/27/2008
Posts: 704

The RnR Gold Cup will have a good car count even without the WoO, possibly even better than if the WoO was there as it may draw more locals than it would with the WoO there.

But the extra cars will mostly be field fillers, not quality and not names that draw a crowd.   


So if you're a casual fan looking at $40 tickets you have to ask yourself whether its worth it or not vs $20 for the regular weekly show.  IMO, $40 is about $15 too much for that show without the WoO or NSL.     



August 10, 2016 at 05:46:26 PM
Joined: 10/26/2014
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Posted By: Peahead on August 10 2016 at 03:12:50 PM

The blame goes all the way in this supposed mess you people keep belly aching about. Why does everyone have to kneal down in front of Knoxville, Quiring, WOO and whoever else decides they think they can rule the roost over everyone. None of these parties have shown one ounce of cooperation so this mess or the perception of it belongs on all their heads. I remember years ago the storm that ensued when Earl Bates at Eldora had the nerve to start The Big One race. Everyone freaked out that he was trying to run out the Nationals and Knoxville. They were just pissed someone had the nerve to pay out more than they did. The Nationals and Knoxville survived. Badlands is Brennan's track and I think this is still a free country so he can do what he wants with HIS track.The other parties and all of you really need to get over yourselves. As far as McCarl he got what deserved.

You may damn well be right but I know what I see and what I see is all these negative things taking place around Chuck Brennan. I'll be honest, I had bad feelings about the guy when he had that press conference where he started the war with Knoxville. Among the things said was that the Rock and Roll Gold Cup would "blow anything they've ever done out of the water." Didn't quite work that way did it? Regardless, I kept an open mind and figured maybe he was just a little brash, much like the late great Bob Weikert but in the end, would become a positive fixture in sprint car racing. Looks like that isn't happening. You can probably lay blame elsewhere but the common denominator in all of this is Chuck Brennan. No one can deny that none of this was going on until he came on the scene. None of what is happening is positive and that sucks. I still hope that somehow he comes to his senses and starts doing things the right way however, I think his ego will not allow that and eventually, even the money he's throwing around won't buy him much support from anyone because the damage will be done.

August 10, 2016 at 06:14:51 PM
Joined: 06/10/2015
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Posted By: Peahead on August 10 2016 at 03:12:50 PM

The blame goes all the way in this supposed mess you people keep belly aching about. Why does everyone have to kneal down in front of Knoxville, Quiring, WOO and whoever else decides they think they can rule the roost over everyone. None of these parties have shown one ounce of cooperation so this mess or the perception of it belongs on all their heads. I remember years ago the storm that ensued when Earl Bates at Eldora had the nerve to start The Big One race. Everyone freaked out that he was trying to run out the Nationals and Knoxville. They were just pissed someone had the nerve to pay out more than they did. The Nationals and Knoxville survived. Badlands is Brennan's track and I think this is still a free country so he can do what he wants with HIS track.The other parties and all of you really need to get over yourselves. As far as McCarl he got what deserved.

It was pretty evident very early on where the lack of cooperation was coming from. The press confrence quotes, and the boasts made clearly identify that. I don't recall seeing anything at all that was even a hint that Knoxville, Tod Quiring or the WoO expected Bernnan to kneel down to them. As for Earl and The Big One, I don't recall anybody being pissed about the winners share, the purse, or that it was a threat to Knoxville. Earl himself did say he wanted to have the largest prize (winner's share) in sprint car racing and he did. So, The Big One came to be. Then he also alluded to that when he came with the Mopar Million. Earl wasn't trying to dethrone the Nationals. Hell the Mopar Million was a wingless event. The only negative I ever heard , if you could call it that about The Big One, was that second place droped all the way to $12,000.00 (if memory serves me right). Knoxville's weekly show can be affected by a lot of things. But the Nationals are on very solid ground, and we all know that. In the same breath, Knoxville can't become complacent. You're very much right about Badlands being Brennan's track to do with however he chooses. Time will tell how good his chioces are. I still want Badlands to succeed!

August 10, 2016 at 09:30:08 PM
Joined: 05/26/2005
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Posted By: on at

     Glen-  I think you're doing yourself a disservice to stoop down to this level of internet carp. Best to just say what you think and let people judge you accordingly.  If you get e-mails from the far side, oh well. They only get the attention they crave if you mention it.

     I was on a (non-racing) forum once where some goober would e-mail me 2 to 3 times a week to tell me I was "a ideot".  It made my day.

August 10, 2016 at 10:43:15 PM
Joined: 05/09/2008
Posts: 516

You no Murphy you are right I will delete that post  Glen Murra

shake n bake motorsports
August 10, 2016 at 10:50:42 PM
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Posted By: cajunis#1 on August 09 2016 at 05:19:37 PM

Apparently the WoO figured out and refused to comply with that joker's demands... I.e... Elevated pit pass prices above the WoO contracted rates. So there will be no WoO sanctioning at this epic failure. 

Well I think this has been the biggest circle jerk yet by the BMS bash squad,  very entertaining! 

August 10, 2016 at 10:59:47 PM
Joined: 02/02/2015
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Posted By: blazer00 on August 10 2016 at 06:14:51 PM

It was pretty evident very early on where the lack of cooperation was coming from. The press confrence quotes, and the boasts made clearly identify that. I don't recall seeing anything at all that was even a hint that Knoxville, Tod Quiring or the WoO expected Bernnan to kneel down to them. As for Earl and The Big One, I don't recall anybody being pissed about the winners share, the purse, or that it was a threat to Knoxville. Earl himself did say he wanted to have the largest prize (winner's share) in sprint car racing and he did. So, The Big One came to be. Then he also alluded to that when he came with the Mopar Million. Earl wasn't trying to dethrone the Nationals. Hell the Mopar Million was a wingless event. The only negative I ever heard , if you could call it that about The Big One, was that second place droped all the way to $12,000.00 (if memory serves me right). Knoxville's weekly show can be affected by a lot of things. But the Nationals are on very solid ground, and we all know that. In the same breath, Knoxville can't become complacent. You're very much right about Badlands being Brennan's track to do with however he chooses. Time will tell how good his chioces are. I still want Badlands to succeed!

You make some good points along with the others who replied to my posted reply.I'm partial to Badlands so my opinions won't change. but it's great the discussion about this didn't become a verbal run in the muck like some comments have tended to go on this forum in the past. Will be at the nationals Saturday and hope someone can beat Schatz-I think he can be beat this year. Happy Nationals to all.

August 10, 2016 at 11:21:23 PM
Joined: 09/14/2010
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Posted By: Peahead on August 10 2016 at 03:12:50 PM

The blame goes all the way in this supposed mess you people keep belly aching about. Why does everyone have to kneal down in front of Knoxville, Quiring, WOO and whoever else decides they think they can rule the roost over everyone. None of these parties have shown one ounce of cooperation so this mess or the perception of it belongs on all their heads. I remember years ago the storm that ensued when Earl Bates at Eldora had the nerve to start The Big One race. Everyone freaked out that he was trying to run out the Nationals and Knoxville. They were just pissed someone had the nerve to pay out more than they did. The Nationals and Knoxville survived. Badlands is Brennan's track and I think this is still a free country so he can do what he wants with HIS track.The other parties and all of you really need to get over yourselves. As far as McCarl he got what deserved.

Nobody is saying he has to "kneel down", but its just a bad idea for a beginner to challenge the established Big Dogs, as these events have shown

August 11, 2016 at 01:05:20 AM
Joined: 12/02/2004
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Posted By: Peahead on August 10 2016 at 03:12:50 PM

The blame goes all the way in this supposed mess you people keep belly aching about. Why does everyone have to kneal down in front of Knoxville, Quiring, WOO and whoever else decides they think they can rule the roost over everyone. None of these parties have shown one ounce of cooperation so this mess or the perception of it belongs on all their heads. I remember years ago the storm that ensued when Earl Bates at Eldora had the nerve to start The Big One race. Everyone freaked out that he was trying to run out the Nationals and Knoxville. They were just pissed someone had the nerve to pay out more than they did. The Nationals and Knoxville survived. Badlands is Brennan's track and I think this is still a free country so he can do what he wants with HIS track.The other parties and all of you really need to get over yourselves. As far as McCarl he got what deserved.

"...kneel down in front of Knoxville..."? I'm curious.  Please enlighten us with the things Knoxviile has demanded from Badlands.  


Badlands moved to Saturday nights. Drew several cars from Knoxville's regular field. Mr. Brennan makes inflammatory comments directed toward Knoxville. Badland's posts the car count of Knoxville one night. And yet I have never seen a member of Knoxville's management team publicly make derogatory comments toward Badlands.  Why?  Because they are focused on one thing.  Making their operation and fan experience the best it can be. And positively working with other organizations to improve the sport of sprint car racing.


Cooperation you say?  What cooperation would you expect Knoxville to provide Badlands, when Badlands has clearly and openly put Knoxville in the crosshairs?


As as many have stated, there seems to be one clear common denominator surrounding these circumstances.



August 11, 2016 at 04:43:33 AM
Joined: 07/27/2005
Posts: 45

This controversy is great! Sitting here from afar makes me appreciate the local track owners here in central PA. These idiots can't get along in the midwest and they are 5 HOURS apart, we have so many tracks within 1 hour of each other here and yet they almost always manage to agree on running their big(ger) races and cooperating with one another by shutting down, working together, etc so the drivers can be in one place all together where the money is and giving us the fans the best show available.

August 11, 2016 at 08:33:32 AM
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Posted By: slidewayz on August 11 2016 at 04:43:33 AM

This controversy is great! Sitting here from afar makes me appreciate the local track owners here in central PA. These idiots can't get along in the midwest and they are 5 HOURS apart, we have so many tracks within 1 hour of each other here and yet they almost always manage to agree on running their big(ger) races and cooperating with one another by shutting down, working together, etc so the drivers can be in one place all together where the money is and giving us the fans the best show available.

Well, it did use to work that way here, too. Maybe in time that cooperation will return.

rubber down
August 11, 2016 at 09:06:16 AM
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Posted By: on at

50 is normal woo 

August 11, 2016 at 10:51:32 AM
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Posted By: slidewayz on August 11 2016 at 04:43:33 AM

This controversy is great! Sitting here from afar makes me appreciate the local track owners here in central PA. These idiots can't get along in the midwest and they are 5 HOURS apart, we have so many tracks within 1 hour of each other here and yet they almost always manage to agree on running their big(ger) races and cooperating with one another by shutting down, working together, etc so the drivers can be in one place all together where the money is and giving us the fans the best show available.

You're right about that. We're very lucky to have such a strong scene here and 99% of the reason it's so strong is because all of the tracks work with each other. Even the ones who aren't weekly sprint tracks are very careful and respectful with their scheduling. Inevitably we do get the occasional conflict but it usually always ends up working out in the end. I hope it stays that way because all it would take for it all to go to shit is to have one character like Chuck Brennan enter the picture.

Jamie Klootwyk
August 11, 2016 at 10:57:05 AM
Joined: 09/14/2006
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Posted By: slidewayz on August 11 2016 at 04:43:33 AM

This controversy is great! Sitting here from afar makes me appreciate the local track owners here in central PA. These idiots can't get along in the midwest and they are 5 HOURS apart, we have so many tracks within 1 hour of each other here and yet they almost always manage to agree on running their big(ger) races and cooperating with one another by shutting down, working together, etc so the drivers can be in one place all together where the money is and giving us the fans the best show available.

Since you can't see well all the way from PA, let me correct the one big inaccuracy with your post.  


It's not "these idiots" who can't get along with each other.  It's ONE idiot who cant get along with anyone else.


All other Midwest tracks and promoters actually work together very very well.

August 11, 2016 at 11:23:08 AM
Joined: 02/12/2012
Posts: 333

So the few clowns on Chucks side.... What are they getting.... an extra week to pay on the title loan?  A reserved seat? A free t-shirt? A free beer? A date with a trophy girl?

I tell it like I see it.

August 12, 2016 at 08:39:28 AM
Joined: 03/22/2008
Posts: 2460

Sounds like this Chuck guy is a spoiled prick who has to get in a pissing match with everybody. Is he related to Trump?


August 12, 2016 at 09:14:38 AM
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Posted By: HoldenCaulfield on August 12 2016 at 08:39:28 AM

Sounds like this Chuck guy is a spoiled prick who has to get in a pissing match with everybody. Is he related to Trump?

Shame you brought politics into this...but I would trust the character of Trump, Ben Carson, Mike Pence and his team infinitely more than Hillary and her team

Jack Black
August 12, 2016 at 11:12:55 AM
Joined: 11/20/2006
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Posted By: ILSPRINTS on August 11 2016 at 11:23:08 AM

So the few clowns on Chucks side.... What are they getting.... an extra week to pay on the title loan?  A reserved seat? A free t-shirt? A free beer? A date with a trophy girl?

I own a car that races a support class at badlands. We get double to triple pay we could get anywhere else. Badlands has the best point fund i have ever seen. And free pit passes for driver and crew twice. I and 99% of the weekly racers have no complaints. The people complaining are a bunch of keyboard jockeys with nothing better to do than complain. Also got free concert tickets. I would rather see gold cup without woo and the money going to non woo drivers.  Ford 97 would complain if he had free VIP free beer and free strippers.

August 12, 2016 at 11:27:37 AM
Joined: 06/24/2008
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Posted By: Jack Black on August 12 2016 at 11:12:55 AM

I own a car that races a support class at badlands. We get double to triple pay we could get anywhere else. Badlands has the best point fund i have ever seen. And free pit passes for driver and crew twice. I and 99% of the weekly racers have no complaints. The people complaining are a bunch of keyboard jockeys with nothing better to do than complain. Also got free concert tickets. I would rather see gold cup without woo and the money going to non woo drivers.  Ford 97 would complain if he had free VIP free beer and free strippers.


August 12, 2016 at 12:10:14 PM
Joined: 05/31/2007
Posts: 4428

Badlands drivers did quite well this week at Knoxville. TK, Zomer and McCarl all solidly in the A main. Would have been 4 had Henderson not broke.

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