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Topic: Hey, Hey, Hey, Bye, Bye, Bye
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November 08, 2006 at 05:44:48 PM
Joined: 01/14/2006
Posts: 1347

HEY, BRR, I think most of all you need to read my past post!

A healthy diet of dirt in my nachos and beer.

November 08, 2006 at 05:56:59 PM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 3751
This message was edited on November 08, 2006 at 05:59:37 PM by BigRightRear

dude, you have humiliated yourself in every political thread so far...i don't bother with smoked up utopians disguised as political novices.

check into history and you will find that THIS COUNTRY was not set up by people who even bothered with communism (which incidentally was designed by a guy named Karl Marx much later in history!)...they came here to escape the crown of the Kings!

if you want to find something that was designed to combat communism, try conservative capitalism...which put the screws to Russia in spite of the liberal support that the communists of the world still receive from democrats here in our country.

stick to Texas Holdem or get with the program. just kidding!

Lincoln 1845 ft/.35 mile T1=118MPH 
Eldora 2287 ft/.43mile T3=135MPH
Port 2716 ft/.51 mile T3=TBD
Grove 2792 ft/.53 mile T3=135MPH
Selinsgrove 2847 ft/.54 mile T1=136MPH
"I didn't move to PA from El Paso in search of better 
weather." Van May

November 08, 2006 at 05:57:09 PM
Joined: 01/08/2005
Posts: 229

BRR, when are you going to join my Fantasy Congress league? We need you to bring a little balance to it. The lame duck session starts soon, you really should draft a team.

And then we can star in our own Carville/Matlin-esque romantic comedy musical! I can hear it now:

Jane: I'm a little bit socialist . . .

BRR: And I'm a little bit neoooo-con!



November 08, 2006 at 06:01:48 PM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 3751

duchie: i'm not a gamer, sorry, busy with productive and profitable things these days. thanks for the offer tho!

Lincoln 1845 ft/.35 mile T1=118MPH 
Eldora 2287 ft/.43mile T3=135MPH
Port 2716 ft/.51 mile T3=TBD
Grove 2792 ft/.53 mile T3=135MPH
Selinsgrove 2847 ft/.54 mile T1=136MPH
"I didn't move to PA from El Paso in search of better 
weather." Van May

November 08, 2006 at 06:03:06 PM
Joined: 01/08/2005
Posts: 229

But we're still good to go on the musical then?

~tap dancing out of thread~



November 08, 2006 at 06:35:53 PM
Joined: 01/14/2006
Posts: 1347
This message was edited on November 08, 2006 at 06:40:47 PM by jackhole22

I don't really see how I humiliated myself by not having a party and believing in our system of checks and balances to help keep one party from having total control of the whole nation.

If you ask me we should not even have (R) or (D) next to peoples names on tickets. IF you ask me we should not have a 'vote straight ticket' mark on our ballots. Anyone who votes straight ticket is just dumb. The yeally don't even pay attention to people. They just vote for that R or D.

But I see you are way hard core Republican so I am just blowing hot air into the air trying to make sense to you. It is like trying to get DIRT people to support NST as me and you try to get people to dp or understand.

I have in no way 'humiliated' myself in thinking that we should have a multi party system. I have in no way 'humiliated' myself in thinking that America should not have the same ideals, beliefs, religous beliefs or any ideas, run in all of the 3 basic parts of our government.

But if you really and totally honestly believe that the USA should only have one party and ideas to vote for then it is you who has 'humiliated' himself.

A healthy diet of dirt in my nachos and beer.

November 08, 2006 at 08:18:25 PM
Joined: 11/26/2004
Posts: 3334

Jackhole, in a battle of wits, you are an unarmed man.

Save your butt, get a colon screening TODAY

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Duane Davis

Laser Engraving 
101 N Center
Marshalltown, Iowa 

November 08, 2006 at 09:14:16 PM
Joined: 01/14/2006
Posts: 1347

I guess I am cause i don't speak the dim witted language of modern day rob you blind politics.

A healthy diet of dirt in my nachos and beer.

November 08, 2006 at 09:18:14 PM
Joined: 02/27/2005
Posts: 4443

BRR, speaking of being productive and profitable... I wonder what the congressional pension plan looks like for everyone we just threw out? Even after a single five year term?? Give me a break. No way in hell they should be able to rake us over the coals forever. Now that's a SOCIAL PROGRAM...lol. I don't care for welfare too much either but I'd sooner have my taxes helping to keep the handicapped and elderly from having to live off of dog food than to keep one term senators in a life of luxury.




They don't even know how to spell sprint car much less chromoly...http://www.ycmco.com

November 08, 2006 at 09:23:11 PM
Joined: 01/14/2006
Posts: 1347

I am sure it is like around 200,000 for the rest of their lives.

It is the american peoples job to save some money and go kill a former 1 term congress man. Would save the tax payers millions. All that money could go to schools or something.

Bet I have an FBI agent at my door for saying that one. I will just reason with him by saying if we did so he could even have a bigger pay increase as an agent.

A healthy diet of dirt in my nachos and beer.

November 08, 2006 at 09:26:56 PM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 3751

look, i am not trying to be mean here...but you asked me to reply to a set of comments that clearly signal a blind eye of the political realites that came into vogue with the odious Kennedy family. making the assumption that I or others vote straight ticket is your mistaek not mine. i was registered democrat when i lived in the south...and i supported independent candidate when it made sense to me as well.

one thing that does not make sense to me is electing a party that has done nothing but stonewall and complain about how thids nation is defended. maybe Iowa can survive a coastal attack...but the nice liberal scumbags on the coastal areas are in for a real ride when our intelligence services are DEFUNDED by the witch of the west.

i was happy to ignore you politcial musings to this point and just laugh, but you asked me to respond and now you don't like the answer...sorry about your luck!

btw: i have been to several liberatarian functions and you would probably find a few folks there to share your dreams with...you will fit in well if you mention that you are reading Ayn Rand, have a cool bong and hang out in coffee shops. they are great people, with great ideas, but no means or muscle to make it happen in the real world. dreaming is a ton of fun if you have nothing else to do.



proof that voting liberatarin is about as useful as voting vegetarian, unless you are not in it to win it.


Lincoln 1845 ft/.35 mile T1=118MPH 
Eldora 2287 ft/.43mile T3=135MPH
Port 2716 ft/.51 mile T3=TBD
Grove 2792 ft/.53 mile T3=135MPH
Selinsgrove 2847 ft/.54 mile T1=136MPH
"I didn't move to PA from El Paso in search of better 
weather." Van May

November 08, 2006 at 09:43:16 PM
Joined: 01/14/2006
Posts: 1347
This message was edited on November 08, 2006 at 09:46:36 PM by jackhole22

I agree with you on the Defense stance. I agree with many things Republicans are after. I agree with mnay things the Democrats are after.

I think the point we are not seeing eye to eye is on the party aspect. I am not sure if you are getting the fact I am not with a party. Ofcourse maybe I am not getting you with the whole you are for a one party system. I might be wrong but I was thinking you were supporting the one party system and ony one party should be in control. One party systmes lead to Socialism and Communism. I could careless if it was the Fruit party agaisnt the Veg. party.

Anyway, as far as my views go, BOTH parties rob, lie, cheat, steal and have affairs. IT is not to be pointed at just one party or person. Do I think Bush did this mess on his own..? Hell no. He doesn't have time ot run everything. It is like blaiming the Home Depot president for something your store manager screwed up on.

Abortion, Home Defense, World Defense, Taxes, Social Security, Gay Marriage, Min. Wage., Gun Laws, our environment and etc. are not things that you can have views on in one straight category. Most states have around a 45% of people voting straight ticket. Texas being much more high, for some reason.

It was not that I didn't like your answer. It was I really didn't think you got what I was arguing about. I am arguing about choice and modern day elected officails are career politicans. Making a career of it leads to corruption and scandals no matter the party.

A healthy diet of dirt in my nachos and beer.

November 08, 2006 at 10:12:35 PM
Joined: 01/14/2006
Posts: 1347

My part of the national debt in May of 2000: $20,000

My part of the national debt in Nov. of 2006: $28,000

A healthy diet of dirt in my nachos and beer.

November 08, 2006 at 10:53:21 PM
Joined: 08/10/2005
Posts: 50

Pres George Bush hasn't done one thing wrong since he became President. He's done everything wrong. At last, an election that gives me hope for this country.

November 08, 2006 at 11:21:52 PM
Joined: 04/18/2005
Posts: 4764

Osama happy the dems won? man you're on crack. If anything he would like to keep republicans in so he could have very very easy moving targets close to home.I mean if we are not over there he has to travel thousands of miles to do his dirty work......with fear-mongering idiots like Bush he has moving targets within a reasonable distance.

And John Kerry probably was a hero until he became a poliocian.......and to be a politician you have to take classes on lying and selling bullshit. Kerry's problem is he doesn't have to pay any bills as his wife has all $$$ so he has WAY too much time on his hands. lol.

Honestly, I would like any politician regardless of party if they ever would have stood up to that asshole Bush. Everyone likes to throw this saying around that we haven't had a terrorist attack here since 9/11. Or that we need to fight it there so we don't fight it here. These people need to be hit over the head with something so they can wake up. This administration ...headed by the president...is more harmful to you than anything else in this world. We would not have had one here in the first place had Bush read the report. But I bet those dirty sons of bitches read their wire-tapping reports daily. And as far as terrorism goes this administration...along with the use of our army.....has only planted the seeds for us to be attacked again....or always have a war goin somewhere to prevent it. yeah. real smart. actually it is. these pricks just wanted to get rich and it doesn't take a PHD to realize that they more than likely have. And the only thing that scares me more than Hillary Clinton is Condy Rice. She's the only person more full of shit than the president. Probably because she's always speaking For him so that he can be on vacation in Texas. There's another thing, Texas still has a clause that they can secede from the US and I think it best they exercise that option.....as I don't see one good thing to come from there in my lifetime while many idiotic and brainless things migrate north from that state every year or 2.

Am I the only 1 that puts 2 n 2 together? Our president runs this country more like he's a CEO of an oil corporation than leader of what is SUPPOSED to be the greatest country ever. Wonder why that is? .....hmmmmm.

And JC this is for you. Why would G. Bush want Bin Laden dead? with Bin Laden dead he can't scare everyone into being ok with wire-tapping so he can pick off his homegrown enemies. how is wire-tapping the answer to protecting this country from terrorist when we can't even protect our borders. I mean Jose can cross the border as many times as he pleases each hour so what's really to stop an Arab with a bomb. Has everyone lost common sense on this subject?

And yes Big Rear everybody probably needs to have their guns taken away. When a little kid picks up a stick and hits another little kid with it what happens? the little kid loses his stick. In theory all should reserve the right to bear arms, but geez! even the Vice President isn;t responsible enough to not shoot his friend while they are hunting birds and animals with the brain 10% the size of their own. Even the game in that equation isn't so idiotic. When it comes to guns the citizens of this country are like a bunch of little irresponsible kids running around with rocks. Such a shame that fact, but something has to be done to protect people from themselves.......especially rich people. Because trust me...even your local gangbanger doesn't shoot someone unless it's on purpose. His idea of a hunting accident is being sold weed that does not get him high.

But you know something people......I've thought for sometime that this country was screwed. But last night's election results prove that there is still hope left for a country that prides itself on being the best. Not so much because the republicans lost......if the democrats screw up just as bad then it will be their turn to go too. But more because these people have doen nothing but screw this country up for the last 6 years...and instead of admitting they made a mistake they always serve someone else up on the platter. It's a very, VERY healthy sign for this country that the citizens were smart enough to recognize we needed a change of course. Well we got it, now it falls down to what they do with it. The american people have acted like flat-out retards for the last 6 years......it's great to see they finally woke up.

How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

November 09, 2006 at 01:46:15 PM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 3751
Reply to:
Posted By: OKCFan12 on November 08 2006 at 11:21:52 PM

Osama happy the dems won? man you're on crack. If anything he would like to keep republicans in so he could have very very easy moving targets close to home.I mean if we are not over there he has to travel thousands of miles to do his dirty work......with fear-mongering idiots like Bush he has moving targets within a reasonable distance.

And John Kerry probably was a hero until he became a poliocian.......and to be a politician you have to take classes on lying and selling bullshit. Kerry's problem is he doesn't have to pay any bills as his wife has all $$$ so he has WAY too much time on his hands. lol.

Honestly, I would like any politician regardless of party if they ever would have stood up to that asshole Bush. Everyone likes to throw this saying around that we haven't had a terrorist attack here since 9/11. Or that we need to fight it there so we don't fight it here. These people need to be hit over the head with something so they can wake up. This administration ...headed by the president...is more harmful to you than anything else in this world. We would not have had one here in the first place had Bush read the report. But I bet those dirty sons of bitches read their wire-tapping reports daily. And as far as terrorism goes this administration...along with the use of our army.....has only planted the seeds for us to be attacked again....or always have a war goin somewhere to prevent it. yeah. real smart. actually it is. these pricks just wanted to get rich and it doesn't take a PHD to realize that they more than likely have. And the only thing that scares me more than Hillary Clinton is Condy Rice. She's the only person more full of shit than the president. Probably because she's always speaking For him so that he can be on vacation in Texas. There's another thing, Texas still has a clause that they can secede from the US and I think it best they exercise that option.....as I don't see one good thing to come from there in my lifetime while many idiotic and brainless things migrate north from that state every year or 2.

Am I the only 1 that puts 2 n 2 together? Our president runs this country more like he's a CEO of an oil corporation than leader of what is SUPPOSED to be the greatest country ever. Wonder why that is? .....hmmmmm.

And JC this is for you. Why would G. Bush want Bin Laden dead? with Bin Laden dead he can't scare everyone into being ok with wire-tapping so he can pick off his homegrown enemies. how is wire-tapping the answer to protecting this country from terrorist when we can't even protect our borders. I mean Jose can cross the border as many times as he pleases each hour so what's really to stop an Arab with a bomb. Has everyone lost common sense on this subject?

And yes Big Rear everybody probably needs to have their guns taken away. When a little kid picks up a stick and hits another little kid with it what happens? the little kid loses his stick. In theory all should reserve the right to bear arms, but geez! even the Vice President isn;t responsible enough to not shoot his friend while they are hunting birds and animals with the brain 10% the size of their own. Even the game in that equation isn't so idiotic. When it comes to guns the citizens of this country are like a bunch of little irresponsible kids running around with rocks. Such a shame that fact, but something has to be done to protect people from themselves.......especially rich people. Because trust me...even your local gangbanger doesn't shoot someone unless it's on purpose. His idea of a hunting accident is being sold weed that does not get him high.

But you know something people......I've thought for sometime that this country was screwed. But last night's election results prove that there is still hope left for a country that prides itself on being the best. Not so much because the republicans lost......if the democrats screw up just as bad then it will be their turn to go too. But more because these people have doen nothing but screw this country up for the last 6 years...and instead of admitting they made a mistake they always serve someone else up on the platter. It's a very, VERY healthy sign for this country that the citizens were smart enough to recognize we needed a change of course. Well we got it, now it falls down to what they do with it. The american people have acted like flat-out retards for the last 6 years......it's great to see they finally woke up.

when a little kid picks up a berr bottle and fills it with gasoline...what happens?

i will tell you...idiots like you take away beer and gasoline and pat yourself on the back for implementing another moronic solution to a simple problem...teach your kids how to control themselves (its called responsibility) and stop blaming people who are not in the room for the problem the bad parent created.

we have local gangbangers here...and i doubt you know them better than i do. but if you bring your happy white @ss here...i will make sure you get the proper introduction.

talk about sanctimonious, self righteous idiots...you take the cake pal...speaking for kids, parents and gangbangers in one simple minded response. all we had to do was ask and you delivered the precise reason why democrats are incapable of comprehending the nature of the enemy, let alone the state of affairs on the "street" here at home.

denial = a river thru your brain!

Lincoln 1845 ft/.35 mile T1=118MPH 
Eldora 2287 ft/.43mile T3=135MPH
Port 2716 ft/.51 mile T3=TBD
Grove 2792 ft/.53 mile T3=135MPH
Selinsgrove 2847 ft/.54 mile T1=136MPH
"I didn't move to PA from El Paso in search of better 
weather." Van May

November 09, 2006 at 02:54:19 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1026

Don't let this a$$ hole get to ya OKC. Just a few months ago he professed his allegiance to Hitler and White Supremacy....Talk about the farrrrrrRiiiiight!

November 09, 2006 at 03:21:23 PM
Joined: 11/27/2004
Posts: 3751

your red @ss is invited too...keemo saw bee...

i professed no such allegiance, but believe what you need too keep that good karma flowing.

Lincoln 1845 ft/.35 mile T1=118MPH 
Eldora 2287 ft/.43mile T3=135MPH
Port 2716 ft/.51 mile T3=TBD
Grove 2792 ft/.53 mile T3=135MPH
Selinsgrove 2847 ft/.54 mile T1=136MPH
"I didn't move to PA from El Paso in search of better 
weather." Van May

November 09, 2006 at 03:36:09 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
Posts: 1026

Spoken like the true skinhead you are....and your mentor Rush didn't do drugs either. How pathetic. You need to get over the landslide upset of conservatives and what few were left in Possee Land. Your the minority now.

November 09, 2006 at 03:39:23 PM
Joined: 12/03/2004
Posts: 1330

Was Hitler the 2nd baseman for the Cardinals ? I think they wore White Supremacy uniforms for their away games only.

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