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Topic: Tilly? Email this topic to a friend | Subscribe to this TopicReport this Topic to Moderator
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September 04, 2007 at 05:02:33 PM
Joined: 09/04/2007
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Posted By: the gr81 on September 03 2007 at 12:28:24 AM

we were standing down at the fence right after the crash and there were several people saying the bastard finally got what he deserved or i hope hes dead. that takes a alot of class, you know most of the guys race to have fun, and then some race like they have to win that 200 dollars to pay there rent. andrew tillison is one of the cleanest drivers in that class

finally someone knows what there talking about

Tyler Hagar

September 04, 2007 at 05:14:23 PM
Joined: 09/04/2007
Posts: 2

My name is Tyler Graves. I have been helping pit for Thomas Tillison, which by the way is the whole reason this blog was started to make sure he was ok. But as long as we are stating the facts, I can give a piece of the facts for everyone to know. The accident between Thomas and Dustin was a bad deal and everyone knows that. It was a lot more intense because of the situation that happened in the heat race and what happened in the pits after the heat race. Now as soon as Thomas's car started flipping I was heading down to see if he was alright. Now what started the whole argument in front of the grand stands was someone yelling from the stands "I hope he's dead". On that note if you said that your a piece of $h!t!!! Once all of the people who care about Thomas got down in front of the grand stands there were alot of people talking crap that didnt need to be said. I didn't hear alot of it because I was fixated on trying to find out if Thomas was ok, but I do know this. Joe Buntin(the father) was one to step out in front of me and tell me that he didn't give a $h!t if anything was wrong with Thomas. Which is a BS. Once that had happened two different guys in allen shirts started saying stuff to my family members.One of those particular gentlemen, persisted through the night to say things to members of my family. Reguardless what the Allen90racing is saying it was said to my cousin and my aunt. I'm not blaming that on the Allen's by any means, because like they said alot of people wear their shirts. But it was said to two different members of my family. So I personally dont appreciate anyone calling any of my family liars.

Once again, my name is Tyler Graves.

September 04, 2007 at 05:17:07 PM
Joined: 09/04/2007
Posts: 2

I was at the races and saw everything that happened in the factory stock heats and in the A feature.First thomas is a good friend and I have also been friends with the Buntins for many years.I have alot of respect for both drivers ability. For the first incident in the heat race its my opinion it was just racing.I know thomas has great respect for dustin and im sure dustin does for thomas.If everyone would have stayed out of their business it would not have escalated into what it did.As for the A feature i have to go with what thomas told me when i talked to him.He said it was just a racing accident.Enough said.As for what went on in turn one after the wreck i have alot to say.Not to be calling joey out but he did say thats what thomas had coming.As for the little jackass with his hat on backwards and his girlfriend with short overalls on,he and his girlfriend are the ones i heard yelling they wish it would have killed him.As i said previously i have known the buntins forever and hope if they know who i am talking about they will disassociate theirselves with these people.It doesnt stop their though as they taunted beckers wife and niece until the races were over. also becker is my cousin.Their were also comments becker also payed people to take people out.How ridiculous is that.He didnt win an A feature all year hes just very consistent.As you can see i am not shy by showing my name,I call it how i see it and what happened was ridiculous.Now you all know the story make your own opinions.See everyone next year.

September 04, 2007 at 05:32:56 PM
Joined: 09/04/2007
Posts: 2

joey page two was a classy statement i hope if i show these kids you really do straighten them out

the gr81
September 04, 2007 at 06:26:56 PM
Joined: 06/15/2007
Posts: 27

sumer im sorry if i offended you. i have no association with neither driver i just like tillison. i was just stating what i heard at the fence i dont know the people that said it so i cant tell you who they were i do know it wasnt joey it could of been some of his other faimly i dont know. im sure dusty and tilly both wish this would of never happen. joey im sorry if you thought i was pointing fingers at you but i wasnt. there was alot of stuff said that im sure people regret now but it was said. hopefully everyone can put this behind them and all get along next year and put on some good racing. tillison i still thank god that your ok. have a great day and god bless. dale nixon

September 04, 2007 at 06:56:08 PM
Joined: 07/27/2005
Posts: 81

sorry trent i dont know you i know you know my dad but i never said anything about tilly the only thing i said to anybody was you better back the f up to whoever was in my aunts face, whoever they were they are about my age after that i stood there watching everyone staring

................................................................joey buntin

September 04, 2007 at 07:05:20 PM
Joined: 07/27/2005
Posts: 81

some girl was cring in the back ground i hate that son of a b in the 37 car some one else asked if tilly is ok and i did say who gives a sh$# ya i shouldnt have said it.some young guy started mouthing me and i dont even remember what was said,i did not intend do go down there and start nothing but somebody was mouthing so i got mad and started mouthing as well

314-4295 joe buntin

September 04, 2007 at 08:15:45 PM
Joined: 09/04/2007
Posts: 6

You's all over with! The season is done and a winner has been determined! Nobody should have said anything! The drivers have apologized and gotten everything straightened out! Why can't there just be racing without accusations of people paying each other to take someone out! And it's not even the drivers! It's their family, friends, and pit crew the majority of the time! I only wish that if someone has a bone to pick with a driver or wants to talk crap to a driver, they would just go and tell them and not wait until they see someone they think is associated with them to say it! That's all I have left to say about any of it!

David Smith Jr
September 04, 2007 at 10:41:33 PM
Joined: 11/20/2004
Posts: 9152

This thread is fixing to be eatin up by the delete monster.

David Smith Jr.

September 05, 2007 at 01:22:27 AM
Joined: 04/18/2005
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Posted By: David Smith Jr on September 04 2007 at 10:41:33 PM

This thread is fixing to be eatin up by the delete monster.

frown man this is the tidbits version of the Springer (Jerry - not Bobby) show. don't delete it. It is funny that those arguing and bickering - this is the 2nd anniversary - literally the same time stuff like this was said last year at the exact same time. ah hell go ahead and delete it I done got my laugh out of it.

Funny it was mentioned about people buying other people off. I don't care about that but it wouldn't suprise me if there was somthin happenin when its obvious there needs to be rule changes and they haven't happened. 14 factory stocks. Just over half are consistently competitive and thats fine. But its those competitive ones who start so much crap with each other. Seems like a lot for SFS to have to deal with it for so little coming from the class. Eventually there will only be 10 and they'll bicker just like now.


How much would could a wouldchuck chuck if a 
wouldchuck could chuck would

September 05, 2007 at 06:50:15 AM
Joined: 04/27/2007
Posts: 30

So, Now what's going to be "discussed" during the winter? Hummmmmmmm! JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY. Or maybe we can have tidbit's version of the "View"

September 05, 2007 at 09:40:00 AM
Joined: 07/31/2005
Posts: 27

Trent, this is Clara !!! I know you and I believe you,I was saying that I did not hear what was said or even what happened I was in the stands in the pits. I would not put up with someone saying anything like that. I talked to Kevin and let him know that I cant scan everyone to know what the say,I will tell you this much we are in this mess because of 1 person that has a big mouth!!! So if you would next time something like this happens just walk on up to this mouth piece and just say hey what is it that you dont like about this driver. And get it straight right then and there.Then all this mess wouldn't be like for anyone else please keep your comments to yourself you have not heard ME, TIM, Justin,or Jeremy say a thing. Just let this go....if u want anything else answered call me and I will be more then happy to talk to you.

""""congrats""""""" To all who raced this year,

Thanks and have a good day.

September 05, 2007 at 02:44:46 PM
Joined: 07/07/2006
Posts: 141

Oh Come On David Dont do That I love This Shit Its Awsome And besides It make good Entertainment when your bored at work Dam always a party pooper!

The Deeper The Better. GO DEEP!

David Smith Jr
September 05, 2007 at 03:23:34 PM
Joined: 11/20/2004
Posts: 9152

Kind of in a rock and hard spot. This stuff really shouldn't be posted in public but then again it is in the open and being hashed out. At least this way there won't be no drive-bys.

Problem is that I like all the parties involved very much. I got to know Tim and Clara a couple of years ago when I hung out with a group that went to that club in Mustang after the races on Friday night and then to Jorskis. Tim and I talked one night and he told me about a couple of the incidents that he is known for and he actually made sense and was sincere about the things that he said. Clara I have always enjoyed talking with and being around. I always state that I will respect just about anybody and when shown a little respect back to me, that gets me hook-line and sinker until proven otherwise. Those two and their boys have always been class to me and to me, that is what I base things on.

I have got to know Jorski and his wife the past couple of years also and feel he is one driver who is what we call "untapped talent." Given the opportunity, this guy can really make waves in dirt track racing. His wife always speaks when she sees me and I always enjoy talking with her. She is a Buntin by trade I do believe.

And now with the Buntins. I have got to know a couple of them and never a problem with any of them. Now, being not very bright, I do lose track of who is who but they always show me the utmost respect. I am not sure that I would if my name was plastured on somebodys message board by others often. I was around the past in the 80's when that was mentioned but here is my story on that. When I worked at that wanna be parts place called "HMD Performance Parts," there were those who told me to watch for the Reeds as they will try to take advantage. They were dead wrong and I am sure glad that I don't listen to what other people say or I would have not got to have known the Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reed ,Jr. and Stanley, Sr. like I have and I must say they mean alot too me. I would do anything for those two just as I would Danny Jennings and Larry Neighbors, two guys I have known for over twenty years.

What I am trying to cheese about in a round and about way is, please think before you react, get mad, talk smack or wish upon somebody because deep down inside, once the cars are loaded up and leaving the pit area, these are human beings and they do have family and friends that are close too them.

Maybe, just maybe, if you took the time after the races to hang out with these people (majority in the pit area) and get to know them, then you would smack yourself right in the forehead for being so narrow-minded. The majority are great people, don't judge until you get to know them.

(thats my jerry after show thought)

David Smith Jr.

September 05, 2007 at 04:39:54 PM
Joined: 03/04/2006
Posts: 2
This message was edited on September 05, 2007 at 05:03:56 PM by justafan0307

Okay David, I agree with what you said, I have known the Allen's since 1999 and they are awesome people on and off the track and I know if Clara had heard the person talking smack at the fence she would have been in their face and giving them the right act. Just a word of advice to WHOEVER said that about Tilly, you might need to be careful what you wish for. The Allen's I know would not have said anything like that. I also wear an Allen shirt and I am not related to anybody at the track whatsoever, just like my name says "justafan0307". I hope Tilly is okay and wish all the FS drivers the best of luck next season.

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