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April 06, 2017 at 02:55:24 PM
Joined: 08/28/2014
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Posted By: larsonfan on April 06 2017 at 08:13:31 AM

What's wrong with that? DD usaully comes out each June for the All Star Speedweek out here anyway. Atomic is on the SW schedule - maybe he's looking for a little track time. Glad he's coming out. He has a lot of fans out here.

I could care less where he races.  I like him as a driver, and he is funny as a social media follow.  The fact that he is going to Atomic is great, we always say we want guys to get off the porch.  However, if he had just announced he was going to Atomic to run with the All-Stars that would have been it...but that isn't what he did.  He said, and I quote.

when speaking of racing in PA on Sunday. "I don't think there are any options worth acknowledging."

and when someone tweeted to him that they were happy he wasn't going to Susky because it was "a joke" DD tweeted.

"Thank you...I agree, if you are in PA on SUnday, plan a cookout.  The weather will be perfect for it and there won't be any delays or dust!"

I will say this, it is entertaining. 

April 06, 2017 at 04:27:06 PM
Joined: 07/16/2008
Posts: 982

For DD , there wasn't another option in PA . What he said is true.

April 06, 2017 at 05:18:01 PM
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Posted By: on at

The reason teams pick and choose isn't because of the format. There's probably just as many teams that skip the TT show's as there are that skip handicapped shows. The reason teams need to pick and choose is the sheer volume of 410 races in central PA (over 100 scheduled I do believe). I can count on one hand how many teams have the budget to run that many shows. So teams pick and chose according to their budgets, track preferences, format, purse, etc. We're slowly but surely running the division into the ground IMO. Of course, motor costs certainly don't help matters. TT shows tend to draw more cars mainly because they are the higher paying events. Port Royal did away with handicapping and they use either pill draw or group tt's for weekly shows and I think it helps them draw in a few more cars from time to time. Like when western PA isn't racing on Saturday, some of those cars will come or if there is no 360 racing(URC Selinsgrove), some of those teams that also have a 410 will show up.


April 06, 2017 at 05:28:47 PM
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Posted By: fiXXXer on April 03 2017 at 02:11:31 AM

No doubt. Their car count issues aren't a problem at the big shows like the Weikert Memorial. That show could see 40 plus cars in the pits. Their issues are with the regular weekly shows. 

40 plus for a non-sanctioned show? Never. Maybe 30. This event used to draw well over 40 when it was a 1 day - 15G to win All-Star sanctioned show. They ruined by dragging it out 2 days for the same money and making it unsanctioned. Shoulda kept it the way it was. It used to be one of the best shows of the year in central PA. It is good that have SLM's on Saturday and URC on Sunday. That will at least make it worth attending with 2 good divisions each night. I think there were 23 in the pits for the Weikert finale last year that was rained out.


April 06, 2017 at 05:53:30 PM
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Posted By: longtimefan on April 02 2017 at 06:40:46 PM

I guess I am not real bright but I can't follow Cubic's logic of saving 410 racing by ending 410 racing. When no one can run them anymore then they will be done and we will have slower cheaper divisions. For now they are the elite and making them slow down to the speed of other divisions is not saving them it is eliminating them. Besides I thought this would all be over since both Central Pa. Sat. tracks had full fields last night and some still are not out yet. By the way all Central Pa. tracks will not buck the Outlaws when one of them likely makes more money on Outlaw shows than they do the rest of their season. The regular season is only for keeping interest up for the Outlaw shows and a few other special shows. I do think it might cost cut costs to eliminnate the 410 cubic inch rule as the Late Models have but not to then slow them down. Just run a 305 if that is all the faster you want them to go.

I wasn't aware that the LM's did anything to their engine rules? Some of them run motors bigger than 410. What they did do was institute smaller tire size and hardness rules. Also limited spoiler sizes. The LM's also have a choice of tire manufacturer at most tracks and sanctions. If I won the powerball and bought a track, the 1st thing I would do is eliminate CI engine rules and hoosier tire rules in favor of a harder tire of the teams choice. It's not about slowing them down but making them more affordable and better racing(less locked down). Not many people complain about wingless sprints being too slow although they are slower than a winged 305. Sprints are my first love but it sure seems like I'm seeing way better LM features than sprints lately, especially at Port Royal. The sprints have been pretty good but the LM's have been really good. 


April 06, 2017 at 08:28:31 PM
Joined: 12/06/2015
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Posted By: HoldenCaulfield on April 06 2017 at 05:28:47 PM

40 plus for a non-sanctioned show? Never. Maybe 30. This event used to draw well over 40 when it was a 1 day - 15G to win All-Star sanctioned show. They ruined by dragging it out 2 days for the same money and making it unsanctioned. Shoulda kept it the way it was. It used to be one of the best shows of the year in central PA. It is good that have SLM's on Saturday and URC on Sunday. That will at least make it worth attending with 2 good divisions each night. I think there were 23 in the pits for the Weikert finale last year that was rained out.

I like the two-day Weikert format. Like you said, two, and only two, major divisions each night. It's a Holiday weekend and a two-day race is great that weekend. the rained out event was on a Monday, and 23 cars for a Monday afternoon wasn't actually a bad car count.

Plus, this now allows for an additional big race with the All Stars in April.

April 06, 2017 at 09:21:40 PM
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Posted By: Murphy on April 02 2017 at 06:13:12 PM

  I'm not sure I agree with your math there fella. More realistic numbers might be half that?

Or twice as much. Limited sprints took over the country 20 years ago. ASCS, URC, ESS, Patriot, USCS, MSTS, UMSS, NCRA/GLSS, NRA, Top Gun Sprints, Nebraska 360 sprints, Civil War California 360s, Elk Grove Ford Sprint Car Challenge Tour, Knoxville 360s, Selinsgrove 360s/358s, Skagit, Texas, Arizona, Tennessee, Bunch of other tracks run 360s. Shitload of 305s nationwide also. Plus thousands of people are stuck in mini sprints, micros and outlaw karts because of the cost. None of them even existed when the Outlaws were formed. 




They don't even know how to spell sprint car much less chromoly...http://www.ycmco.com

April 06, 2017 at 09:56:03 PM
Joined: 05/26/2005
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Posted By: cubicdollars on April 06 2017 at 09:21:40 PM

Or twice as much. Limited sprints took over the country 20 years ago. ASCS, URC, ESS, Patriot, USCS, MSTS, UMSS, NCRA/GLSS, NRA, Top Gun Sprints, Nebraska 360 sprints, Civil War California 360s, Elk Grove Ford Sprint Car Challenge Tour, Knoxville 360s, Selinsgrove 360s/358s, Skagit, Texas, Arizona, Tennessee, Bunch of other tracks run 360s. Shitload of 305s nationwide also. Plus thousands of people are stuck in mini sprints, micros and outlaw karts because of the cost. None of them even existed when the Outlaws were formed. 

You're right. That was 20 years ago. For there to be 2,000 360 sprints out there now, each of the groups you've listed above would need to have 100 cars. Come to think of it, you're not even close. 

April 06, 2017 at 10:59:17 PM
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Posted By: fiXXXer on March 26 2017 at 05:08:26 AM

I can tell you one thing, I could give a shit less about their improvements at this point. The biggest improvement they could make is figuring out a way to reverse the trend of their consistently shrinking sprint car field. The scariest part is, of the 16 cars that were there tonight, how many of those cars will be there every week? Not many. There's still a few guys who will be there most weeks such as Ryan Taylor who weren't there but if you factor those guys into the equation, the field still isn't looking too great. Meanwhile, Lincoln pulled a strong field of 34 cars. Port seems to be all about the late models now. If you spend enough time going to races there, follow them on social media & read their press releases, it's pretty evident that the late models are where they are focusing the majority of their attention. One thing is for sure, they have a serious problem with the sprint field that needs to be addressed if they want to continue their weekly sprint car program. 

Horsepower not only drives speeds but it is probably the biggest reason of increasing costs. 

How about putting more emphasis on the drivers? 

Cut down the wings and sideboards by 10% and reduce the rear tires (both) maximum height and width by 15-20%. 

April 07, 2017 at 05:36:44 AM
Joined: 03/16/2017
Posts: 1603

Cubic..The only item i agree with you is that 360 racing was not around 20 yrs ago, or if so was not as strong as today. Midgets, Micro racing, winged karts have brought kids up thru the ranks for as long as i can remember. Everyone has a belief on open wheel racing, or for that matter racing in general. Costs to run a competitive open wheel car in any class of racing has reached ridiculously high pricing.  Who's to blame, Weikert, Hamilton, Dyer, and many more from coast to coast. It was said KKR, Brad Sweet i believe, went thru 4 motors in Volousia. 4. At a cost of what 40 to 45K per. I doubt if they where total loses but that would have put most teams in the garage for the year. Open rules on motors when you factor in the costs are killing the sport. 410, 360 305 they are all priced out of sight. I have heard a 410 can be as hi as 48K, a 360 for 36K, and a 305 for 28. Do i have the answer, HELL NO. Everyoone else can reply on that, but remember when was the last time a idea you thought was the right one ever happend. NEVER. Tires don't matter in the big picture. There costs have been minor compared to other components on race cars today. As much as i hate to say it, at the end of the racing year tire companies are at least giving back to the sport threw point fund monies. So if your big time 48K motor builder sells say 10 grenades, that's 480,000, that comes out to roughly 3500 RR Hoosiers @ 140.00 a pop. A spec motor where you could call Brodix or Hilborn and say i want the spec WoO/All Star head/injection would reduce costs. The problem then is the owner that has all the $$$ into his car then has to race more competition for that same $$$. He doesn't want that. IT WILL NEVER CHANGE. 

Johnny Utah
April 07, 2017 at 06:32:32 AM
Joined: 07/15/2014
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Posted By: alum.427 on April 07 2017 at 05:36:44 AM

Cubic..The only item i agree with you is that 360 racing was not around 20 yrs ago, or if so was not as strong as today. Midgets, Micro racing, winged karts have brought kids up thru the ranks for as long as i can remember. Everyone has a belief on open wheel racing, or for that matter racing in general. Costs to run a competitive open wheel car in any class of racing has reached ridiculously high pricing.  Who's to blame, Weikert, Hamilton, Dyer, and many more from coast to coast. It was said KKR, Brad Sweet i believe, went thru 4 motors in Volousia. 4. At a cost of what 40 to 45K per. I doubt if they where total loses but that would have put most teams in the garage for the year. Open rules on motors when you factor in the costs are killing the sport. 410, 360 305 they are all priced out of sight. I have heard a 410 can be as hi as 48K, a 360 for 36K, and a 305 for 28. Do i have the answer, HELL NO. Everyoone else can reply on that, but remember when was the last time a idea you thought was the right one ever happend. NEVER. Tires don't matter in the big picture. There costs have been minor compared to other components on race cars today. As much as i hate to say it, at the end of the racing year tire companies are at least giving back to the sport threw point fund monies. So if your big time 48K motor builder sells say 10 grenades, that's 480,000, that comes out to roughly 3500 RR Hoosiers @ 140.00 a pop. A spec motor where you could call Brodix or Hilborn and say i want the spec WoO/All Star head/injection would reduce costs. The problem then is the owner that has all the $$$ into his car then has to race more competition for that same $$$. He doesn't want that. IT WILL NEVER CHANGE. 

Gravel went through four motors at Volusia.  I'm glad I didn't receive that bill.

April 07, 2017 at 03:11:51 PM
Joined: 03/16/2017
Posts: 1603

Yea, writing out that check that early in the season. No thanks. That had to hurt. 

April 07, 2017 at 03:27:31 PM
Joined: 07/16/2008
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Posted By: alum.427 on April 07 2017 at 05:36:44 AM

Cubic..The only item i agree with you is that 360 racing was not around 20 yrs ago, or if so was not as strong as today. Midgets, Micro racing, winged karts have brought kids up thru the ranks for as long as i can remember. Everyone has a belief on open wheel racing, or for that matter racing in general. Costs to run a competitive open wheel car in any class of racing has reached ridiculously high pricing.  Who's to blame, Weikert, Hamilton, Dyer, and many more from coast to coast. It was said KKR, Brad Sweet i believe, went thru 4 motors in Volousia. 4. At a cost of what 40 to 45K per. I doubt if they where total loses but that would have put most teams in the garage for the year. Open rules on motors when you factor in the costs are killing the sport. 410, 360 305 they are all priced out of sight. I have heard a 410 can be as hi as 48K, a 360 for 36K, and a 305 for 28. Do i have the answer, HELL NO. Everyoone else can reply on that, but remember when was the last time a idea you thought was the right one ever happend. NEVER. Tires don't matter in the big picture. There costs have been minor compared to other components on race cars today. As much as i hate to say it, at the end of the racing year tire companies are at least giving back to the sport threw point fund monies. So if your big time 48K motor builder sells say 10 grenades, that's 480,000, that comes out to roughly 3500 RR Hoosiers @ 140.00 a pop. A spec motor where you could call Brodix or Hilborn and say i want the spec WoO/All Star head/injection would reduce costs. The problem then is the owner that has all the $$$ into his car then has to race more competition for that same $$$. He doesn't want that. IT WILL NEVER CHANGE. 

Can I buy 50 Hoosiers from you at $140 each?

April 07, 2017 at 03:53:56 PM
Joined: 01/20/2005
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Posted By: HoldenCaulfield on April 06 2017 at 05:53:30 PM

I wasn't aware that the LM's did anything to their engine rules? Some of them run motors bigger than 410. What they did do was institute smaller tire size and hardness rules. Also limited spoiler sizes. The LM's also have a choice of tire manufacturer at most tracks and sanctions. If I won the powerball and bought a track, the 1st thing I would do is eliminate CI engine rules and hoosier tire rules in favor of a harder tire of the teams choice. It's not about slowing them down but making them more affordable and better racing(less locked down). Not many people complain about wingless sprints being too slow although they are slower than a winged 305. Sprints are my first love but it sure seems like I'm seeing way better LM features than sprints lately, especially at Port Royal. The sprints have been pretty good but the LM's have been really good. 

I don't think LM's have engine displacement rules, but to think they or their rules are the answer is short sighted.  Their engines are just as expensive as Sprints and all use a carburator instead of injection and from what I've watched in person, the racing is about the same overall, just slower.

Go check out the Late Model boards sometime and hear the complaints about follow the leader racing (sound familiar?) and how the racing is "horrible" compared to the "good old days" and they blame the current rules, aero, and track prep.....man, seems the same issues complained about by sprint car fans.

The fact is that everything costs more than it used to (and wages are way more than they used to be too.


April 07, 2017 at 04:22:52 PM
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Posted By: Murphy on April 06 2017 at 09:56:03 PM

You're right. That was 20 years ago. For there to be 2,000 360 sprints out there now, each of the groups you've listed above would need to have 100 cars. Come to think of it, you're not even close. 

ASCS claims they have 1000-1500 themselves. Much less all the other limited sprint and 305 organizations. 





They don't even know how to spell sprint car much less chromoly...http://www.ycmco.com

April 07, 2017 at 05:31:50 PM
Joined: 05/26/2005
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Posted By: cubicdollars on April 07 2017 at 04:22:52 PM

ASCS claims they have 1000-1500 themselves. Much less all the other limited sprint and 305 organizations. 


     Geez- at least read the article. The article is 10 years old (note the date on the bottom). That's like saying that if you *claim* there is 2000 360 teams it must be true just because you said it. How 'bout you prove that there's even 500 360 teams out there. I think you're way out there and you have no way to prove it.

April 07, 2017 at 06:29:11 PM
Joined: 11/30/2004
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Posted By: Murphy on April 07 2017 at 05:31:50 PM

     Geez- at least read the article. The article is 10 years old (note the date on the bottom). That's like saying that if you *claim* there is 2000 360 teams it must be true just because you said it. How 'bout you prove that there's even 500 360 teams out there. I think you're way out there and you have no way to prove it.

Not a big surprise,  he used to post 12 year old quotes to prove his theories. 

April 07, 2017 at 06:44:14 PM
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Posted By: bgtexpress on April 06 2017 at 08:44:29 AM

Excellent article on DD and Susky on Sprint Car Unlimited. Apparently he had a one race suspension from the incident last season.

For non-subscribers to SCU, what happened to Dietrich at Susquehanna?

April 07, 2017 at 08:47:25 PM
Joined: 10/19/2016
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Posted By: revjimk on April 07 2017 at 06:44:14 PM

For non-subscribers to SCU, what happened to Dietrich at Susquehanna?

In Summary: He came out late to the starting grid (claimed the speakers in the pits were not working). He was put to the rear and stopped on the front stretch to protest and argued with the officials and was towed to the pits. Later got into a pissing contest on twitter with Susquehanna's General Manager.......

April 07, 2017 at 09:55:16 PM
Joined: 02/27/2005
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Posted By: Murphy on April 07 2017 at 05:31:50 PM

     Geez- at least read the article. The article is 10 years old (note the date on the bottom). That's like saying that if you *claim* there is 2000 360 teams it must be true just because you said it. How 'bout you prove that there's even 500 360 teams out there. I think you're way out there and you have no way to prove it.

3 tracks ran 360s in Alaska last year if it helps you, about 30 guys. Average of 30 teams x 50 states = 1500. I know it is hard for you to count past 10 with your shoes on but give me a break. Emmitt Hahn is way closer than you with 1500.

I guessed 2000 limited sprints altogether: 360s, 358s and 305s. I also still stand by the statement sprint car racing would be a lot healthier with 2000 unlimited sprints instead of 400 410s and 1500 360s.




They don't even know how to spell sprint car much less chromoly...http://www.ycmco.com

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